Connecticut Drug Rehab Mountainside announces that it has treated more than 5,000 people suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism

Released on: March 31, 2009, 8:20 am
Author: Mountainside Drug Rehab
Industry: Healthcare
Connecticut Drug Rehab Mountainside announces that it has
treated more than 5,000 people suffering from drug addiction and

Mountainside Drug Rehab in Canaan CT has announced that more than 5,000 people have
been treated for addiction and alcoholism at its inpatient drug rehabilitation
center in a little over the 10 years of operations. The people entering treatment at
this serene inpatient center have ranged in age between 18 years and 82 years of
age, with the average age being approximately 31 years of age.
The residents of Mountainside Drug Rehab have come from all over the world, with
some traveling as far as Thailand and India. However, the majority of residents
entering the treatment center for drug rehabilitation and alcoholism come from the
United States and from Canada. Mountainside Drug Rehab forecasts that its drug
treatment program will help more than 500 people this year, with the majority coming
from the United States.
A growing number of residents entering treatment have come from Florida and
California. Due to the continuing number of residents from Florida and California,
Mountainside has announced plans to open alumni aftercare centers in Mariana Del
Ray, Los Angeles in 2009.
Mountainside’s individual drug rehab program has resonated with people and their
families across the globe because of its quality program and affordable price. Built
on compassion and driven by the thesis that no two people are identically alike,
Mountainside tailors individual drug addiction treatment plans for every person that
enters Mountainside Drug Rehab. Taking variables into account such as substance
abuse history, various psych-social criteria and addiction treatment goals and
timeframes - addiction treatment plans are carefully designed, monitored and also
changed when the goals change.
Drug Rehabs across America are faced with the challenge of providing effective and
quality treatment. Mountainside Drug Rehab has met this challenge for the past
eleven years and has renewed its commitment to provide compassionate and quality
drug rehabilitation.
For more information on Mountainside Drug Rehab please visit our website or call us
at 1-800-762-5433.
Contact Details: Public Relations
Mountainside Drug Rehab
187 Route 7
Canaan, CT 06018