God is Not So Distant When a Child Needs Help
Released on: March 10, 2009, 7:41 am
Author: Capstone Productions LLC
Industry: Media
New Picture Book helps children understand how to reach and
communicate with God
Chicago, IL – (Release Date March 10, 2009) – Life can sometimes be painful and
lonely for adults, but even more so for children. Many unavoidable, hurtful
circumstances can break a child’s spirit and leave a lot of emotional scars. The
lessons, however, that await readers in Keoni’s Big Question, an endearing new
picture book authored by Patti B. Ogden, teaches children how to reach out and
communicate with God in times of need. It gives parents inspiration, encouragement
and a gentle way to show their children that God is not as distant as He seems.
Keoni’s Big Question, a new release from Capstone Productions, follows the emotions
of a little boy who is very curious about God. He has a question, a really big
question that no one seems to be able to answer to his satisfaction. This gripping
tale follows Keoni (“Key-Oh-Knee” is Hawaiian for John) and a family friend on a
fishing trip that turns dangerous, then miraculous. How does Keoni get his question
answered? The surprise ending catches readers off guard. Read the book to find out.
Keoni’s Big Question is essentially a sharing tool especially written for family
reading time. The book’s touching ending has even caused families to shed a tear
because suddenly they realize that God is not as distant as we think He is and
children are relieved to get answers to questions they cannot verbalize. It brings
to readers an in-depth look at the love of Jesus Christ through a child’s eyes.
A mother and grandmother herself, Ogden says she has watched children experience
times of hopelessness and helplessness, with a great need of comfort beyond what a
parent or relative can give. The intent of the book, she says, “is to teach,
encourage and inspire children to call God on the scene in times of trouble, and to
understand that His presence is near in everyday life.” Profits from the book help
fund Capstone’s missionary endeavors, sending Bibles to the needy overseas.
For more information, please visit www.Capstone-Productions.com.
About the Author
Patti B. Ogden’s multi-faceted career in the business accounting and management
field began with a background in journalism. As an active Sunday school teacher she
enjoys working with children of all ages. She is the author of two more children’s
books due to be published this year. She lives in Northern Illinois with her husband
of 36 years, Jeff.
Keoni’s Big Question * by Patti B. Ogden
New Christian children’s book
Publication Date: October 7, 2008
Picture Book Hardcover; $12.00; 32 pages; 978-0-9816783-6-8
To purchase copies of the book for resale, please email orders@bookch.com or call
(800) 431-1579
For more information, contact Capstone Productions at (800) 565-2041 or on the web
at www.capstone-productions.com.
Contact Details: 6103 S Hickory Rd Oregon, IL 61061
800-565-2041 phone
888-545-4119 fax