The BBC's Missing Live Features Online People Search Company
Tracesmart emphasises the virtues of online people tracing
Released on: March 24, 2009, 5:15 am
Author: Tracesmart
Industry: Media
This week saw the return of Missing Live, the BBC's daily, early morning program highlighting the plight of missing people in the UK. Following Tracesmart's involvement in last year's series, the online people search company were once again invited to participate in the month long series as specialists, in this instance, to help find relatives online.
Thursday's edition of Missing Live featured the remarkable story of reunited brother and sister, Ron Chancellor and Anne Smee. The siblings were unaware, until very recently, of each other's existence and only became reunited following Anne's exhaustive research on the internet. An incredible 65 years after Anne was orphaned when her mother sadly died giving birth, she was reunited with her long divided blood family.
Tracesmart's Louise Hewlett met up with Anne and Ron on set and was interviewed by Missing Live's Rav Wilding on the subject of tracing. Louise is a seasoned people tracer, utilising Tracesmart's online people search and address search facilities to find relatives and friends. Due to her experience, Louise was able to extol the virtues of online people searching in general, relaying how easy and inexpensive searching the electoral roll can be. The Electoral Roll is a key source of information in any tracing facility and Tracesmart has combined this data with state of the art web technology to become one of UK's leading providers.
Missing Live also champions the tremendous work of the charity, Missing People. The organisation proactively campaigns on behalf of relatives of missing people in their quest to find answers, nationally publicising the missing individuals. Tracesmart in turn supports the charity's great work and also provides Missing People free access to its people search and address search facilities.
Following the live broadcast, Louise Hewlett commented, "Missing Live does a great job of communicating the problems associated with people going missing and the ensuing dilemmas and worries that follow for all concerned. If we at Tracesmart can do our little bit to help, highlighting services such as ours, then all the better."
Tracesmart is again to be featured in the series at a later date as the program follows a successful missing person case study researched and concluded by Louise herself. Missing Live is broadcast weekdays at 9.15am on BBC1.
Notes to Editors
Tracesmart Ltd - Since the launch of its website in 2004, Cardiff based Tracesmart has established itself as one of the UK's leading providers of online people tracing. combines state of the art search technology with an extensive collection of consumer data, providing one of the most powerful and successful systems to trace people.
Louise Hewlett is the driving force in Tracesmart's missing person campaign and has extensive tracing experience. Louise has been instrumental in reuniting numerous newsworthy reunions over the past twelve months which have been featured in local and national press and television.
Contact: Owen Roberts - Communications Manager
- Tracesmart Ltd
- 2 Sovereign Quay
- Havannah Street
- Cardiff
- CF10 5SF
- Tel: 029 2047 4114
- Mobile: 07775 700 480
- Email:
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