Instant Writing Resources (IWR): First Ever Tool Bar for Writers
on: May 25, 2009, 7:43 am
Author: Freelance Writing Organization-International
Industry: Media
Ontario, Canada – May 22, 2009 – Canadian writer and
web site manager Rowdy Rhodes of the Freelance Writing Organization
- Int'l (FWO) (
has astounded the writing resource world by creating the first
ever tool
bar specifically for writers. Completely compatible with both
IE7 and FF browsers, Instant Writing Resources (IWR) provides
full access to the thousands of writing resources hosted by the
FWO all with a single click of a button. The software is being
released as freeware for any and all that might be interested
in or currently making a living at writing.
Rhodes seized upon the opportunity when he came across an online
community service system, Conduit, which provides the core engine
for the tool bar and the ability to custom design a bar for the
FWO. This is turn became the launch pad for IWR as it blasts off
into cyberspace.
Wilson, owner of the FWO, comments: “We live in an age when
individuals are strapped for time due to work and family commitments,
and this can often stifle creativity. Mr. Rhodes is a great example
of adapting to this environment and providing a tool that will
assist writers, journalists, authors, playwrights, and wordsmiths
in general. He has not only been creative with accessing our system
resources through the use of the IWR, he has also provided entertainment
value by adding in online chat rooms, games, a radio station for
writers, and a number of other fabulous options. I'm really very
pleased to have Mr. Rhodes on our team, extremely impressed with
the Instant Writing Resource Tool Bar and proud to be able to
participate in its success."
By thinking like a writer and combining his online experience,
Mr. Rhodes divided the tool bar into the four most important areas
that writers need instant access to:
1) How-to write resources (which the FWO has specialized in providing
since 1999),
2) An employment search system
linking a variety of providers together,
3) A library of Amazon books about
learning how to write,
4) A socializing, entertainment
area and even Writers Radio.
tool bar took him 7 weeks to create.
Rhodes says: “Finding reliable writing resources is a difficult
task these days. Everyone and his brother are touting they are
writers or want to become writers. The jump in the need for how-to-write
resources provides an opportunity for us to give back to the community
something (the Instant Writing Resource Tool Bar) that is invaluable.”
IWR is freeware without malware, spyware, or adware. It is simply
what it claims to be; it's a fast, reliable access tool to thousands
of high quality writing resources. The tool bar can be found by
going to their download page:
Contact Details: 4 Dearbourne Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4K 1M7
Tel: 416-466-6943