US Loan Auditors aids US Legal Advisors in filing Legal Action for Predatory Lending Against American Home Mortgage Servicing on Behalf of Karen Gardner-Johnson

on: August 18, 2009, 1:31 pm
Shane Barker
Industry: Real Estate
Attorney Review of Forensic Loan Audits Indicates Potential
Loan Fraud
SACRAMENTO – May 18, 2009 – Based on the results of a forensic audit done by US Loan
Auditors, US Legal advisors announced that it has filed a lawsuit against American
Home Mortgage Servicing on behalf of Karen Gardner-Johnson because of our intensive
forensic loan audit of American Home Mortgage Servicing documents, indicated
potential mortgage loan fraud and predatory lending abuses.

“We have conducted numerous forensic loan audits of American Home Mortgage Servicing
mortgage documents and have recognized several common potential predatory lending
indicators such as prepayment penalties, product steering, kickbacks, forgery, and
overstated income abuse” said Jim Sandison, one of the founders of US Loan Auditors.“Many of these violations are a direct violation of the Federal Government Consumer
Protection Acts such as RESPA, HMDA, ECOA and TILA.
The lawsuit was filed today in US Federal Court, Eastern District of California on
behalf of Karen Gardner-Johnson. The first court date in this legal action is a
Joint Status Conference. Because these cases are filed in Federal Court the
Magistrate/Judge that is assigned at the time of filing the complaint will rule on
all matters pertaining to this case, until this case either settles or is set for
trial. The compliant calls for American Home Mortgage Servicing to stop the
foreclosure based on potential evidence of subprime or prime lending abuse.
“We really want to stand up for local homeowners that may have been taken advantage
of by predatory lenders” Sandison said. “We seriously hope that all borrowers who
believe they may have been victimized will contact our office as quickly as possible
for a free no-obligation consultation.”
US Loan Auditors is not a loan modification company, but instead, specialize in the
science and art of forensic loan auditing to help victims of predatory lending.
US Loan Auditors offers a free preliminary consultation for homeowners that believe
they may have been taken advantage of during their home mortgage process. Research
indicates up to 90 percent of homeowners with one or more of the following loan
programs: adjustable loans; pick-a- payment; or are a non English speaking or
limited English speaking, or stated loan transactions, may have been victims of
predatory lending.
Upon completion of the audit and verification of the abuse, US Loan Auditors
( forwards the borrower’s case to US Legal Advisors
(, a sister Company.
US Legal Advisors is a legal services firm that acts as a liaison and case
management to support the private Attorney, who will represent the borrower
throughout the legal process and negotiations.
For more information about US Loan Auditors, or to get a free initial consultation
for your mortgage loan, please call 888-55-AUDIT or visit them online at:
To see Karen Johnson’s testimonial go to
Here is the story in the news:
Media Contact:
Shane Barker
2882 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 350
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670