Leading Publisher Announces Additional Contributions to Breast
Cancer Support and Wellness Programs

on: September 28, 2009, 4:41 am
Author: International
Masters Publishers
Industry: Healthcare
Masters Publishers, Inc., on behalf of its collection of Health
and Well-being products has made a donation to “Rocking
the Road for a Cure, Inc.” — a non-profit organization
founded to provide free education and support services for women
and men going through the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
Reflecting their strong commitment to providing valuable health
information, International Masters Publishers, Inc. (IMP)
recently announced its continuing support for breast cancer research
and wellness programs through its contribution to the community-based
non-profit organization “Rocking the Road for a Cure, Inc.”
Founded by Dawn Frey after she
was diagnosed with breast cancer, “Rocking the Road for
a Cure, Inc” provides free support services aimed to enhance
the coping skills of those in treatment, and expand the support
networks that have proven so essential to their quality of life.
These services include:
Homebound Yoga, Reiki and massage
• Medical case management assistance
• Homebound Recreational Therapy
• Beauty consultations
• Nutrition advice and services
are proud to support the great work done by Rocking on the Road
for a Cure, Inc.”, says Dilenia Chireno, IMP Spokesperson,
“their programs use many of the same approaches to self-empowerment
we cover in our collections, so it’s really an excellent
fit for us. We are so proud to be part of this important and worthwhile
addition to its generous corporate donation, IMP will also offer
some customers of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Enhancing
Your Mind Body Spirit the opportunity to make an additional donation
by contributing a portion of the proceeds it receives from these
two products to this great cause.
additional information please contact Dilenia Chireno at: wellnesssupport@imponline.com
or visit www.imponline.com.
IMP’s The Complete Guide
to Natural Healing: This collection of beautifully-illustrated,
highly informative and easy-to-understand cards offers everyone
a new way to learn all about healing plants, herbs and spices—and
how to use them to get healthy and stay that way, naturally. Covering
everything from boosting your immune system to lowering your cholesterol,
each one of these extraordinary cards is jam-packed with authoritative
information, the latest facts and practical tips that build into
a complete and extremely valuable health reference for the entire
IMP’s Enhancing Your
Mind Body Spirit: This provocative and enlightening series
of illustrated cards and intriguing materials blends together
age-old wisdom, modern insights, and other-worldly secrets that
will enrich your physical, mental and emotional well-being. From
mystic arts and new age philosophies…to natural remedies
and alternative lifestyle ideas, in-depth courses and step-by-step
instructions will help you master the techniques for enjoying
each day in so many wonderful new ways.
Press Information:
International Master Publishers Inc
948 Plaza Drive
Montoursville, PA 17754-2400
Divanna Gilleaudeau
Phone: 1-800-570-5718