T-Mobile And Orange Merger Should Provide A Wake Up Call For Lethargic
Mobile Phone Providers Says uSwitch.com

on: September 8, 2009, 8:12 am
Author: uSwitch.com
Industry: Telecommunications
proposed merger of Orange and T-mobile will create the UKs largest
mobile phone company serving a total of 28 million customers,
swiftly relegating O2 and Vodaphone to second and third place
in the market. In the immediate future, this could spell good
news for consumers and should serve to create fierce competition
amongst, what will become, three major providers. However, going
forward this completely changes the landscape of mobile phone
industry in the UK, with just three organisations dominating around
90% of the industry.
Glynn, communications expert at uSwitch.com,
comments: “On the surface this could be perceived as fantastic
news for mobile phone customers in the UK. Merging these two companies
will ‘plug the network gap’, ultimately providing
a flawless network coverage across the country for these consumers.
With a combined 37% market share, this new major player will now
have every opportunity to provide some really competitive deals
and give the UKs lethargic mobile phone industry the wake-up call
it needs.
speaking, having just three organisations dominating 90% of one
sector is not always a positive move. However, the mobile
phones sector is one of the few that will actually benefit
from this. This new organisation will not have to make huge investments
into customer acquisition and all funding can be ploughed into
investment into new services, exploiting new technologies and
competing more aggressively with O2 and Vodafone. T-Mobile has
been struggling to compete against its larger rivals for some
time and last month admitted it had lost 87,000 UK customers in
the three months to the end of June so this couldn’t come
at a better time for them.
we would advise consumers not to panic. The merger process is
long and complex and reports state that if it does come to fruition,
both brands will continue to operate separately for at least another
18 months.”
For more information please contact:
Jo Ganly or joganly@uswitch.com
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