Angie’s List Health Addresses the 3D/4D Ultrasound Controversy

on: October 23, 2009, 4:52 am
Author: Little
Sprout Imaging, Inc.
Industry: Healthcare
Maryland - October 23, 2009 - Little Sprout Imaging was pleased
to be included in this months issue of Angie’s List Health.
Martha Morgan, the Founder of Little Sprout Imaging, was invited
to respond to the controversy surrounding the industry and the
recent ban of non-medical ultrasounds
in the State of Connecticut. Rounding out the “Ask the Experts”
panel is Dr. Jacques S. Abramowicz.

admits that the industry has a less than desirable reputation.
Earlier this decade, the FDA and AIUM expressed concern about
the use of a medical device by untrained personnel. Yet, centers
continue to open across the country with the business owner having
learned how to operate the ultrasound machine in 2 days. Pregnant
women assume that their state or the federal government oversees
the industry. If Moms-to-be understood that 90% of the free-standing
3D centers were operated by laypeople rather than trained professionals,
they would seek out the true professionals and consumer demand
would settle the industry controversy. If we, as an industry,
do not self-regulate; the states may very well legislate us all
out of business. The State of Connecticut did exactly that effective,
July 1, 2009.
To view the entire article in Angie’s List Health, go to:
List Health, October 2009 Issue
Sprout Imaging has provided 3D / 4D ultrasounds in Maryland since
2004. Their service model includes medically trained Sonographers
and physician oversight. Their high-standards take into account
the FDA and AIUM concerns. This distinction earned them the 2006
Smart Woman Bravo! Business Achievement Award as well as the label
"Mom and Baby Friendly" in the Greater-Baltimore region.
In addition to their responsible business practices, technologically
they are a leader in the industry. Little Sprout Imaging introduced
webcast ultrasounds to the industry in 2006. Their webcast service;
called SproutCast, is offered LIVE and OnDemand.
To sign the Little Sprout Imaging petition to keep 3D ultrasounds
elective in the State of Maryland, go to:
Click on sign the petition.
Martha Morgan
Little Sprout Imaging, Inc.