Energy Price Cuts This Year - 12% For Online Customers But 4%
For Everyone Else

on: October 21, 2009, 4:31 am
Industry: Energy
price cuts in 2009: 4% or £54 for standard plan customers,
but 12% or GBP133 for online customers
•At the beginning of the year, online plans were £170
cheaper than standard plans - today they are £249 a year
•Best kept secret: despite consistently lower prices only
1.3 million or 5% of households are on online energy plans
•Winter worry: two thirds (65%) of people are worried about
the cost of their energy bills as we head into winter
•Affordability concerns: almost two in ten households (19%)
are finding it difficult to afford their energy bills
•Cutting back: 57% of households are already cutting back
on energy to make bills cheaper while a further 17% are planning
to join them.
While the majority of households have seen energy prices
drop by 4% or £54 this year, new research from reveals that households who are
on suppliers' online plans have enjoyed cuts three times this
size. Since the beginning of 2009 their prices have been reduced
by a healthy 12% or £133, leaving online customers paying
£249 less than standard customers.
While the debate about whether suppliers should be cutting prices
again in light of lower wholesale costs rumbles on, households
on online plans are sitting pretty. They have seen bills drop
from £1,123 on the 1st January to £990 today. However,
households on standard plans have not fared so well - their prices
have dropped from GBP1,293 at the beginning of the year to £1,239
today, barely making a dent in the 42% or GBP381 increase in energy
prices seen last year.
the beginning of 2009 online energy plans were £170 a year
cheaper than suppliers' standard plans. Today this has stretched
to £249. Yet despite the fact that online plans are consistently
cheaper than standard energy plans, only around 5% or 1.3 million
households are taking advantage.
even households already on online plans may have missed out. This
is because suppliers tend to bring out new plans with lower prices
rather than cut the prices on existing plans. If householders
have not kept on top of this they may have found themselves on
a plan that is no longer the cheapest available from their supplier.
As a result, they might not have seen the full benefit of the
price reductions made to online plans.
findings will be cold comfort to consumers worried about the cost
of energy. research shows that most people
(65%) are worried about the cost of their winter energy bills
and almost two in ten households (19%) are finding their energy
bills difficult to afford. Almost six in ten households (57%)
are already cutting back on energy to make their bills cheaper
while a further 17% are planning to join them. In the absence
of further price cuts, moving to an online plan could make a real
difference to these households.
Marples, energy expert at, says: "Suppliers have
been busy cutting prices, but unfortunately these reductions have
been passing most consumers by. Online energy plans have been
reduced by 12% or £133 this year - yet only around 1.3 million
or 5% of households are currently in a position to benefit. Worryingly,
those who arguably have the most to gain - the elderly and the
vulnerable - are the least likely to be benefitting.
energy plans are consistently cheaper than standard energy plans
- but the message doesn't seem to be getting through. It's a shame
because this is where competition is really working for the consumer
- suppliers are competing hard on price and bringing out ever
more competitive plans. The problem is that not enough consumers
are taking them up. More work needs to be done on educating and
informing consumers - with particular attention paid to those
who are less able to go online. Ofgem should also monitor the
number of households who move from uncompetitive standard plans
to online plans - if competition is to work this number should
grow steadily year-on-year."
more information please contact:
Jo Ganly 0207 802 2925 /
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