Lowering Your Electric Bill: It May Be Simpler Than You Think

on: October 26, 2009, 3:14 am
Author: Ekaterina Kohlwes / Mindful Design Consulting
Industry: Energy
Owners Find Energy Bill Cuts in Surprising Ways
DIEGO, CA – October 26, 2009 – Again, San Diego Gas
& Electric raised its base rates for electricity and natural
gas by some $136 million in 2008. We are also expecting successive
annual base rate hikes of $44 million in 2010 and an additional
$44 million in 2011. For the average residential customer, that
translates to a 7% increase in their electricity bills from last
year with additional raises in years ahead. While some homeowners
are getting into buying expensive solar panels that will pay for
themselves in 10 to 30 years, other rate-hike victims are finding
energy cuts in surprising ways.
Your Solar Link was started by a LEED accredited professional
and designers in an effort to educate local homeowners on the
best available solar gadgets on the market.
a homeowner, I never thought that those little garden electric
lights that are placed along my garden pathway actually can cost
me up to $140 a year on my electricity bill? I do not need so
much light to light up that trail, but the benefit of using solar
pathway lights is enormous”, says Barbara White, who just
purchased her first solar pathway lights that cost her only $64.99
for a set of 4.
Solar Link started as a hobby but quickly grew into something
more. It became a place of contribution by its members and their
clients. Your Solar Link doesn’t just sell solar powered
products; it plants a TREE for every solar light that is purchased.
So not only do you get the benefits of free energy, but you become
part of a bigger movement for the future of our planet.
that simple, replacing your outdoor electric water fountain pump
with a solar powered pump will save you around $100 a year. You
can find little things around your house that can generate a pretty
substantial amount of cash in your pocket by the end of a year:
your garage light, your motion sensor lights, your lit home address
or lit mailbox, spot lights for your trees, you name it! It adds
up every quickly” says Mario Villalobos, one of the founders
of Your Solar Link. “I am also surprised that the government,
which is so concerned about night sky light pollution, is not
interested more in using solar lights. Solar lights are easy to
install, cost almost as much as a regular lights and are not as
expensive as solar panel systems. Solar lights don’t emit
as much light into the atmosphere as conventional electric lights,
thus clearing up the sky at night. ”
next for Your Solar Link? “We are in the process of setting
up a recycling program for used solar lights. Some of the old
solar lights that were sold before us, because of the poor quality,
will be thrown out soon. We are looking into figuring out a way
to take them apart and to recycle solar lights components,”
the Team of Your Solar Link concluded.
more information on Your Solar Link products visit: http://www.yoursolarlink.com

calculate your savings with solar lights visit:
Contact Details: Your Solar Link
P.O. Box 34055
San Diego, CA 92163