Arms more Important than Legs for Surgery Seekers?

on: November 30, 2009, 11:45 am
Author: The
Hospital Group
Industry: Healthcare
The Hospital Group has reported that when it came to women
opting for arm and leg lift surgery, arm lifts were the more popular
option in 2009, with 38% more women opting for arm lift surgery than
for thigh lifts.
The appearance of saggy upper arms can be a consequence of rapid weight loss and can
become more apparent with age as the excess skin can start to hang unattractively.
This condition is commonly referred to as "bingo wings" and they are often quite
difficult to change with exercise alone.
With short-sleeved tops, this condition can cause embarrassment.
A spokesperson for The Hospital Group, said: “Women put more focus on their arms
than they do their legs. “Bingo Wings” as they are otherwise known can be major
issue for some women, particularly as arms are often more exposed than thighs.”
The Hospital Group can help you achieve slim, toned arms with specialist arm lift surgery
to remove the excess skin and tissue and reveal a much sleeker, younger shape.
The Hospital Group is one of the UK’s leading providers of Plastic Surgery, number one in Obesity
Surgery and Breast Enlargement experts. So whatever your requirements, you're in
safe hands!
Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has risen to become the UK’s
biggest weight loss surgery providers, performing more gastric band procedures last year than the NHS.
The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all
procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities
that are second to none.
For further information of The Hospital Group’s range of cosmetic surgery
procedures, surgery-seekers should visit the website or
call our patient care coordinators on 0845 762 6727.