The Harley Medical Group Spills The Beans On Secret Surgery

on: November 20, 2009, 12:18 pm
Author: The Harley
Medical Group
Industry: Healthcare
The Harley Medical Group, the UK's largest cosmetic surgery
provider, reports that over 85% of cosmetic surgery patients hide their
treatment from colleagues, while almost one in five will keep their
surgery secret from their family.
A recent, voluntary survey of 1,000 patients (800 female and 200 male patients)
revealed that 15% of women keep their surgery a secret from their families, 27% from
friends and 78% from their colleagues. 22% of men keep their surgery a secret from
their families, 52% from friends and 94% from colleagues.
Liz Dale, Director at The Harley Medical Group, said, "The majority of our patients
are honest about their surgery - at least after they've had it done. Many patients
will keep quiet in the lead up to their surgery and intend to keep it hidden but
can't help revealing their secret when it comes to the unveiling of their new
stomach or boobs. However, celebrities are a different matter altogether and if
they've decided to keep their plastic surgery, botox or other cosmetic treatments under wraps they really keep quiet, or even outright
deny it. Many patients at The Harley Medical Group have fed back to say they have a
lot more respect for celebrities who are honest about having cosmetic procedures."
Angela Fry, who had breast augmentation at The Harley Medical Group, said, "After my fourth child my boobs were left
shapeless and empty. Before the op I'd decided to only discuss the surgery with my
husband and parents but when friends at my gym asked me how I'd regained my figure
I felt I needed to share with them. I'm absolutely comfortable with the fact I had
to give nature a helping hand."
However, a male patient commented that while he had received laser hair removal to
his back, he hadn't told his friends or anyone at work. He admitted, "I worry
that I'd lose some cred with my male associates if they knew I was having cosmetic
Liz Dale concluded, "It's not uncommon for people to keep it a secret before and
during recovery then to spectacularly unveil their new look at a 'reveal party'.
Non-surgical treatments are much easier to keep a secret because they don't leave
such an obvious mark; however some patients do manage to keep their surgery hidden,
from colleagues at least, explaining their absence from work on holidays or house
- ends -
Notes to editors:
About The Harley Medical Group
The Harley Medical Group is the UK's largest cosmetic surgery provider, performing
more procedures and with more clinics than any other cosmetic surgery provider. It
has been established for over 25 years and is one of the most highly-regarded
Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in the UK. It has treated over 450,000 patients to
The Harley Medical Group is renowned for introducing and pioneering most new
surgical and non surgical techniques to the UK and Irish markets, such as Aesthera
PPx, Laser Hair Removal, Cool Touch Laser, Silk Touch Laser, Collagen for lines and
wrinkles, Laser for snoring, Tumescent liposuction, LPG cellulite treatment, dermal fillers, etc. All
new treatments and techniques are first thoroughly researched and tested before they
are submitted for approval by the Group's Medical Advisory Committee, as being
suitable for application by the Group's fully trained and specialized Plastic
Surgeons, Doctors and Treatment Nurses.
PR enquiries:
Hannah Walsh
Rain UK
2 Greycoat Place
020 7222 4345