Narconon Drug-Free Drug Addiction Recovery Program Offers a Permanent Solution
on: December 07, 2009, 2:19 pm
Industry: Healthcare
The Nacronon drug-free drug addiction recovery program changes
the lives of every person it touches, from drug users to the family
members who are also living with drugs as a part of their lives. The Drug Addiction Program S. Lake Tahoe California residents and
visitors have come to trust with their addiction recovery helps addicts
and their families get better, for good.

Lake Tahoe, Calif., December, 2009 -- Addiction recovery works better when it is
drug-free. Time, exercise, therapy and a healthy diet are all also required to heal.
These offerings, plus comfort, relaxation and a welcoming environment, can be found
through a drug rehab California program. The decision to have a loved one attend a
drug rehabilitation center may seem difficult, but living life with an addict isn’t
any easier. There are many options to choose from when it comes to methods of
rehabilitation: out-patient, in-patient, 12-step, drug-free, and even rehabilitation
that uses one drug to wean the addict off another drug. The drug-free Narconon
program has a proven success rate of long-term recovery.
When it comes to a drug addiction program, S. Lake Tahoe California centers Vista
Bay, Sierra Recovery Center, Tahoe Turning Point, Inc., and Tahoe Youth and Family
Services all employ the Narconon way. It helps clients recover from drug and alcohol
addictions without the use of additional drugs, in a healthy, holistic manner that
integrates exercise, nutrition, therapy, and other natural ways to detox the body of
the harmful toxins that promote continued use of drugs and alcohol. The Narconon
program is not a 12-step program that holds meetings on the weekend. The person
battling their addiction is treated on an inpatient basis and is allowed to take as
long as necessary to attain recovery. When the patient graduates from the program,
they graduate as sober members of society.
For the last three decades, Narconon has helped drug and alcohol users move beyond
their addictions in a healthy way, empowering them with tools to beat their
addiction and live as sober individuals
If you’re looking for Drug Rehab
California is an ideal location. The drug addiction centers that use the Narconon program are
set in comforting surroundings with ocean views or mountain landscapes. To find out
more, please call 877-896-6863 to talk to a counselor who can give you information
on the drug addiction centers mentioned, as well as other Drug Addiction Centers across the nation. Or
visit to find out more about how the Narconon program can change your