The Real Reason we Pile on the Pounds

on: December 09, 2009, 1:01 pm
Author: The Hospital Group
Industry: Healthcare
A new poll has revealed that one of the reasons men and women
gain weight is because of being stressed out.
It has been proven that stressful episodes cause your body to go into survival mode,
so your metabolism slows down, more calories are stored and cortisol and leptin- the
stress hormones- are dumped in the abdominal region, adding to weight gain.
The waist expanding effect of stress was recently confirmed by a study published in
the American Journal of Epidemiology.
The researchers also found that women’s waistlines were affected by more types of
stress than men’s; as well as money and job problems, women’s weight was shown to be
inflamed by relationship difficulties and feeling trapped in their lives.
For many stressed out Brits, it can be a vicious circle of feeling frazzled, and so
consequently eating the wrong things to feel better, which only ends up accentuating
the issue.
Those longing to shed excess stones without the headache should think about having a
consultation with The Hospital Group.
As the UK’s leading weight loss surgery provider, The Hospital Group can offer a gastric
band, gastric bypass or gastric balloon to those having trouble shifting
stubborn excess weight.
Such is the interest in The Hospital Group’s weight loss procedures, bookings have
increased to levels above that of the NHS.
While the NHS reported that it had performed 2,724 weight-loss operations in 2008,
The Hospital Group performed a total of 3,015 gastric procedures in the same period.
In January 2007, the total weight loss was a massive 300 stone, and nine months
later 99% of patients recorded a significant – and safe - weight loss.
David Ross, Chief Executive of The Hospital Group said: “People try out the latest
diet or try exercise, but sometimes it just doesn’t work alone. “Lots of people feel
like there is nowhere to go after they have been on diets and this can lead to
people feeling more stressed out, which only makes the situation worse. “It’s reassuring to see that The Hospital Group is continuing to help so many people
lose weight."
“Our consultants ensure that, as well as having an absolute need for a gastric
procedure, the patient understands that weight loss surgery isn’t a miracle cure and
they would need to work with the band to achieve the healthier lifestyle they
desire. “
The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all
procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities
that are second to none. Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical
company to one of the UK’s foremost cosmetic surgery providers.
For further information of The Hospital Group’s range of
gastric procedures, surgery-seekers should visit the website or call our patient care coordinators on 0845 762