A Video Name Tag Authorized Reseller pledges $10.00 to the Clinton Foundation for Haitian Relief Fund

on: January 15, 2010, 4:20 am
Ronn Press
Industry: Media
George Mandell, an authorized reseller for the Recom Group,
Inc. was touched deeply by the earthquake in Haiti and as a result of
that, he is going to donate $10 for each unit sold of the Video Name
Tag, a device that is providing businessess in many sectors an easy and
effective way to deliver important news to customers regarding their
new offers, products, daily specials and services.
The device is easy to carry around with you because of it's size but the video
screen is much clearer than LED screeens as it's organic OLED.
If anyone is interested in this marvelous product and who wishes to be part of the
donation process and still get something in return, please visit the website of
Video Name Tag and purchase one for a friend, family member or yourself.
Their website is: http://www.videonametag.com/
Mr. Mandell will also make it more affordable for you as he is offering a $10.00
credit for every unit ordred by providing all of you with a Discount Code to enter
at the end of the order. The Discount Code is:
Discount Code: George135
He wants to help those people in Haiti as he has seen the damage and he's put
himself in their shoes as it would be heartbreaking for him and his loved ones, so
he fully understands the strife and inconveniences that they are going through and
he wish them God's love in every way.
With the economy the way it is, he is making a sacrifice himself, but he feels that
God is good and the people will recover with his, your help and the help coming from
all parts of the globe.
Contact Details: George Mandell
135 JOnes Street
West Haven, Ct. 06516
(877) 934-4232