Affordable Drug Rehab Center Pioneered Individualized Drug Addiction Treatment
on: January 22, 2010, 1:47 am
Drug Rehab Mountainside
Industry: Healthcare
OGDEN, Utah— In an unprecedented turn of events, a Utah man
has voluntarily asked for more jail time in hopes that it will help him
kick his heroin addiction.
The 25-year old man’s original charge was a second-degree felony. Instead of
pleading down his sentence, he decided to “plead up” to a first degree felony of
possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance. His original sentence
carried a term of 1-15 years; his new conviction, a sentence of 5-years to life. He
says he’ll soon be happier than he is now because he’ll get off of heroin and within
about eight weeks of going to jail, he says that he expects his withdrawal symptoms
to subside to the point that his sleep will return to normal.
Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment
Center issued this statement, “It’s definitely unusual for an individual to want
more jail time for their actions, particularly an individual involved in a drug
related crime. Normally, they want to complete their sentence so that they can
quickly return to their cycle of addiction. Rarely do we see someone take such
extraordinary steps to not only begin their journey to recovery but also to stay in
Prior to final sentencing, the judge gave the young man one last chance to change
his mind and withdraw his guilty plea. He declined.
Mountainside continues, “While this particular course will help this young man in
his drug addiction
treatment, it’s a rather extreme step. Equally effective treatment options that
would have allowed this young man to maintain his future freedom were available.
The problem is that sometimes, when faced with a dead-end situation, an individual
doesn’t know his/her options. A big barrier to beginning treatment is not only
availability of information at the time, but also finding a reliable, safe and
cost-effective program that understands not only the addiction, but all of the
issues surrounding the addiction.”
Mountainside Drug
Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a comprehensive and innovative provider of
treatment for individuals suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism.
Mountainside’s licensed and certified counselors, social workers and clinical
treatment team and staff are dedicated to providing an unsurpassed treatment
experience to its clients. With diverse areas of expertise, the treatment team works
collaboratively with each client and their family to ensure that an individualized
treatment plan is designed that will treat not just the symptoms, but the whole
individual. With professionalism and compassion, each client is guided through every
stage of recovery and encouraged to participate in a wide variety of evidence-based
and cutting edge innovative treatment options.
In addition to its licensed and credentialed counselors, social workers and clinical
staff, Mountainside’s medical services include our Advanced Nurse Practitioner and
Registered Nurse with specialization in drug addiction and alcoholism treatment.
Psychiatric services are available when needed.
If you or someone you love is in need of treatment or if you have questions please
contact us at: 800-762-5433
Contact Details: Mountainside Addiction Treatment Center
187 Route 7
Canaan, Connecticut ( CT ) 06018