Finally, Classifieds And Auctions Joined Together In One Place
on: January 11, 2010, 5:27 am
Industry: Advertising
This is what we've all been waiting for. A free classifieds site that offers free
auctions too! And to top it all off it's actually owned and operated
in the USA.
This is a relatively bold new idea in the internet industry. Classifieds websites are an extremely competitive
area online and auctions are equally competitive if not more so. The idea of
bringing these two together is really not a large stretch as they often provide
similar items and services.
The sites individual traffic is the biggest factor in, not only the users success,
but also the success of any website itself. To share traffic between individuals
seeking to buy or sell in classifieds and those looking for auctions seems to be a
great way to expand content and reach into even larger areas. The additional traffic
gives all ads and auctions additional exposure, increasing the chance of a sale. offers both free classifieds and no fee
auctions. It includes Google maps on the listing's details page of every ad to
assist in locateing the items. Site users, like on most sites, can browse categories
or search for items. One extra that is often left out of classifieds sites that
assist with large items or individuals with limited resources is the proximity zip
code search.
This is an extremely "handy" feature. It allows the user to enter their zip code,
select a distance from that zip code, and filter all the ads that are not within
that specified distance. This helps make the site more "farmer friendly" in a
search for some cheap local nearby livestock. It also allows yard sale shoppers to
filter all the listed yard sales within a certain distance, then they can print the
Google map. Need directions instead of just a map? Click the "Map-This-Item" link,
and a Mapquest window will pop up with a form that is already filled out, except for
your location. Just enter your location and click "go". You should give this thing
a quick look when you're not busy. It's not huge yet, but at it's current rate of
growth it won't take long. Yacads- owned and operated
in the USA.
Contact Details: Josh Goodchild
RR 4 Box 364
Mountain View, MO 65548