Guide To Stay Safe And Warm In A Winter Power Cut

on: January 22, 2010, 2:06 am
Householders are being urged to cut out and keep a handy guide
on staying safe and warm in the event of a winter power cut. The guide
was pulled together by, the independent price
comparison and switching service, after many households were left
without power during the recent big freeze.
Emma Bush, energy expert at, says: "With this winter expected to
be the coldest in 30 years and more snowfall predicted to be on the way, consumers
should be as prepared as possible for any further power cuts.
"Energy companies will always try to get the supply back up and running again as
quickly as possible, but in severe weather such as snow this can take time. If you
are disabled, chronically ill, elderly or have young children in your home, let your
supplier know as they may need to make you a priority."
The cut out and keep guide to surviving a winter power cut:
1.Be prepared - make sure you keep torches, spare batteries, candles and
matches in an easy to get to cupboard or drawer and that all your family knows where
they are. Keep a battery-powered radio tuned into a local station for information
and have important numbers stored on a charged mobile phone.
2.Check - turn off all your electrical appliances and lights, but leave one
light switched on so you know when the power is back on. Check whether neighbours
have power or not. If it's just your home affected, check your fuse box first
before calling your supplier.
3.Stay warm - this is a priority. If a power cut leaves you without any
heating move the whole family into one room, preferably south facing, and make sure
you wear several layers of clothing, including a hat, scarf and coat if necessary.
Use sleeping bags for extra warmth.
4.Stay safe - you can use other forms of heating such as paraffin stoves, but
always read the instructions carefully and make sure the room is well ventilated. If
you're going to cook on a BBQ make sure you only do it outdoors. Never leave
candles or heating appliances in unoccupied rooms.
5.Store water - if a power cut lasts for more than a few hours you will need
to start storing water as the water supply may start to be affected. Fill saucepans,
buckets, empty bottles or even the bath with water. If you are able to boil some
water keep it in thermos flasks for warm drinks and fill hot water bottles to help
stay warm.
6.Keep food fresh - if the freezer loses power do not open the door unless
you have to, frozen food can last for around a day. The fridge is more of a problem,
but if it is cold enough you can store food outside. Use a cardboard box with
newspaper to stop it from freezing though.
7.Be a good neighbour - check on any elderly or vulnerable neighbours. If
they're struggling to keep warm invite them into your home - the more bodies, the
more heat and the safer they should be.
8.Sub zero - if the temperature falls below freezing use towels and blankets
to help insulate exposed water pipes. The last thing you need is a burst pipe.
9.After the power cut - check water pipes for leaks, reset electric timers
and clocks and check the food in your freezer. If food has thawed do not refreeze as
it could make anyone eating it ill.
the full version of this press release.
For more information please contact:
Jo Ganly 0207 802 2915 /
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