Health Care Reform Hangs In The Balance

on: January 27, 2010, 12:22 pm
Author: Mountainside Drug Rehab
Health care reform hangs in the balance.
1 in 6 Americans are uninsured. Health care costs are skyrocketing. With all of these factors, it's no wonder that individuals who desperately need drug rehab believe they are unable to afford it.
It is estimated that the average daily stay in a drug addiction treatment program is $1,250, a cost that's prohibitive to most addicts. Factor in the lack of credible information available to drug users and those two things just add to the growing list of reasons why individuals don't seek the treatment that could definitively change their lives.
For the past 12 years, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has been providing affordable drug addiction treatment to those who may not be able to otherwise afford it. Their programs are cutting-edge, intuitive, flexible and empathetic- all the qualities of a top-rate residential program.
"Over a decade ago, we established ourselves as providers of quality drug addiction treatment. In addition, we were pioneers in providing affordable drug rehab in a comfortable, beautiful and relaxing environment. Those ideals have remained constant and today we are still determined to provide the best, most affordable drug treatment program available. At a per diem cost of $360, other programs pale in comparison. We've set out to help people recover from the addictions that prevent them from becoming productive assets to society. By providing quality, personalized care at a rate that is affordable for most, we believe we've put individuals in the position to become the best they can be. The next step is up to them."
Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a comprehensive and innovative provider of treatment for individuals suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism. Mountainside's licensed and certified counselors, social workers and clinical treatment team and staff are dedicated to providing an unsurpassed treatment experience to its clients. With diverse areas of expertise, the treatment team works collaboratively with each client and their family to ensure that an individualized treatment plan is designed that will treat not just the symptoms, but the whole individual. With professionalism and compassion, each client is guided through every stage of recovery and encouraged to participate in a wide variety of evidence-based and cutting edge innovative treatment options.
In addition to its licensed and credentialed counselors, social workers and clinical staff, Mountainside's medical services include our Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse with specialization in drug addiction and alcoholism treatment. Psychiatric services are available when needed.
If you or someone you love is in need of treatment or if you have questions please contact us at: 800-762-5433