Beginning The Week Of January 18th, MagazineLine Will Begin Selling Subscriptions To The Beer Connoisseur Magazine

on: January 19, 2010, 5:26 am
Lesley Parks
Industry: Media
(Okemos, Michigan) The Beer Connoisseur, a self-described high end, sophisticated
quarterly magazine about the cutting-edge beer industry, will soon become the 962nd
magazine in MagazineLine’s list of magazine subscriptions offerings. A one year subscription will cost $21.00 and a two year
will cost $38.00.
According to the publisher, On Tap Publishing, The Beer Connoisseur is not just for
connoisseurs – it is for novices as well. It contains articles on fine beer, of
course, as well as fine food, travel, events, education, and more. visitors will be able to find the title in the Cooking and Food
category, under “Specialty.” Customers may also order the title through the mail or
the company’s order hotline: 1-800-959-1676.
For further information, call Lesley Parks, Publisher Relations Director, at (517)
336-1650 or email her at Visit MagazineLine’s website at
MagazineLine is the magazine subscription division of American Collegiate Marketing (ACM). Founded in 1974,
MagazineLine has provided satisfied customers with millions of discount
subscriptions at up to 85% off the cover price.
Contact Details: MagazineLine
4440 Hagadorn Rd.
Okemos, MI 48864
T: (517) 336-1600
F: (517) 336-1625