Recently Discovered Hormone linked to Drug Addiction and Alcoholism. Mountainside Addiction Treatment Center Cites
on: January 14, 2010, 4:52 am
Mountainside Drug
Addiction Treatment Center
Industry: Healthcare
A study recently published in The Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences suggests that the hormone ghrelin may not only be
responsible for excessive overindulgence in food but in alcohol as
In the study, the mice injected with ghrelin, a hormone known to promote appetite
and food intake, were more likely to choose alcohol over water when presented with
the two choices. Conversely, the group of mice that were injected with a ghrelin
antagonist as well as a control group of mice whose ghrelin receptors were removed,
were both resistant to the alcohol.
Professionals at Mountainside Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Center
commented on the study saying, “if scientists can create a way to block the physical
desire for alcohol by decreasing the production of ghrelin without any adverse
effects on the human body, not only could we be closer to conquering food addictions
but alcohol addictions and possibly other drug addictions as well. “
Mountainside further states “there have been several promising studies that have
been published recently which focus on the physiological dependence of drugs and
alcohol. There’s no doubt these studies are certainly useful and beneficial to the
scientific community, but we also need greater focus on the psychological and social
dependence that drugs and alcohol create. While it may be difficult for a
non-addicted person to understand these facets of the addiction, they are very
powerful and can’t be switched on and off easily. And in order for a person to
fully get into recovery, we must address those psychological and social factors. In
the future, if we are able to conquer the physiological dependence with a shot or a
pill, that will certainly go a long way in a person’s recovery. But, the public
must understand that a shot or a pill is not a panacea for alcohol and drug rehab -
that an addicted individual needs a personalized, multi-focused drug addiction
treatment program as well as continued support in order to conquer his or her
Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment
Center is a comprehensive and innovative provider of treatment for individuals
suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism. Mountainside’s licensed and certified
counselors, social workers and clinical treatment team and staff are dedicated to
providing an unsurpassed treatment
experience to its clients. With diverse areas of
expertise, the treatment team works collaboratively with each client and their
family to ensure that an individualized treatment plan is designed that will treat
not just the symptoms, but the whole individual. With professionalism and
compassion, each client is guided through every stage of recovery and encouraged to
participate in a wide variety of evidence-based and cutting edge innovative
treatment options.
In addition to its licensed and credentialed counselors, social workers and clinical
staff, Mountainside’s medical services include our Advanced Nurse Practitioner and
Registered Nurse with specialization in drug addiction and alcoholism treatment.
Psychiatric services are available when needed.
If you or someone you love is in need of treatment or if you have questions please
contact us at: 800-762-5433
Contact Details: Mountainside Drug Addiction Treatment Center
187 Route 7
Canaan CT ( Connecticut ) 06018