$4.8 Million Dollar Energy Efficiency Program comes to the Sierra Nevada
on: February 22, 2010, 1:32 am
Sierra Business Council
Local governments and businesses in 14 Sierra Nevada counties will have new access to cutting edge, energy efficient technology through a new collaboration between Sierra Business Council and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). From 2010 to 2012, Sierra Business Council, a non-profit organization based in Truckee, CA will be offering free energy audits and low-cost retrofits to commercial PG&E customers in the Sierra Nevada through a new program called the Sierra Nevada Energy Watch.

"During this tough economic downturn, we are excited to be able to support our local businesses and governments by offering cost-cutting energy efficiency services," said Steve Frisch, President of the Sierra Business Council. "This project embodies our long-standing mission of demonstrating that environmental quality and economic prosperity are compatible goals."
In addition to offering energy efficiency services and products, the program will help local governments conduct greenhouse gas inventories and develop climate action plans to help the state meet its AB32 emission reduction goals. The program takes a comprehensive approach to the region's energy needs. "We aren't just dropping in light bulbs," explained Program Manager, Betony Jones, "We are looking for deep, long-term savings, and we are developing the local workforce capacity to provide clean energy services far into the future."
The Sierra Nevada Energy Watch program is funded by California utility ratepayers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. It offers services for municipal, special district, and non-profit facilities as well as small and medium businesses throughout the PG&E service area from Lassen to Mariposa Counties. Those interested in participating in the program or learning more should contact Sierra Business Council at 530-582-4800.
For more information about the Sierra Nevada Energy Watch Program, and to see tips on saving energy at home and the workplace, please visit www.sbcouncil.org/energywatch.
About Sierra Business Council
The Sierra Business Council serves the entire Sierra Nevada region. As a nonprofit association of more than 700 businesses, agencies, and individual members, Sierra Business Council is committed to promoting a new perspective on regional wealth while emphasizing collaboration in planning and policy making. Visit www.sbcouncil.org for more information.
Media Contact : Program Manager, Betony Jones, betony.jones@gmail.com, 530-563-8384 and Communications Director, Nikki Streegan, nstreegan@sbcouncil.org, 530-582-4800