More Love: $30,000 Valentine Gift For Charities, Nonprofits and Fundraisers

on: February 11, 2010, 8:12 am
Snack Alliance Inc.
Industry: Non Profit
In a big-hearted gesture before Valentine’s Day, a popular
snack maker announced today it would double its original funding amount
and pump an additional $30,000 into its online contest to give more
charities the opportunity to share a total of $60,000 in prize money
for their good works.
Snack Alliance Inc., (SAI) the maker of riceworks® Gourmet Brown Rice Crisps, agreed
to add an extra $30,000 in prize funding for “Show Us Your Goodness,” a social
campaign that invites consumers to nominate and vote online for the charitable
program they believe has gone the extra mile to “serve the greater good.”
“We’re delighted to double the prize money because of the overwhelming positive
response to the program,” says Tricia Ryan, Director of Marketing for riceworks®.
“The extra funding will allow us to have a Sponsor’s Choice Award and distribute
checks of $1,000. to an additional 30 charitable organizations, split equally
between Canada and the United States.”
“The hard part, of course, is for the judges and program sponsor to decide on
exactly which of the hundreds of nominated charities to award the prizes.”
Nominate A Charity That Inspires
In less than eight weeks, more than 1300 nominations for inspiring charitable
projects have been received. Submissions are due by February 28, 2010, at which time
a panel of judges will select thirty-three (33) finalists to be considered for
$60,000 in support funds during the final round of voting. The top three finalists
will win $20,000, and $5,000 each, while the remaining 30 winning nominations will
share $1,000. each as part of a Sponsor’s Choice Award.
One charity that has been nominated and highlighted on the “Show Us Your Goodness”
website is the Rett Syndrome Research Trust, a Connecticut-based nonprofit
organization whose goal is to help those suffering from Rett Syndrome, the most
physically disabling of autism disorders.
“This program gives lesser-known charities like ours a great way to gain media
attention for our cause,” says Syndi Knowlton, a volunteer mother with a young
daughter who has Rett Syndrome.
Syndi, who nominated her organization, describes Rett Syndrome, which primarily
affects young girls: “It’s combination of symptoms that include autism, cerebral
palsy, Parkinson's, epilepsy, and anxiety disorders…all in one little girl. I thank
riceworks® for giving us the opportunity to spread the word and tell our story and
help make a difference.”
Spread the Love: More Funding, More Charities Helped
For Ms. Ryan, the unexpected flood of submissions compelled her to seek more ways to
distribute the charity funding.
“The very generous management team at Snack Alliance supports the program and
instantaneously approved my request to release more funds to this worthwhile cause.
We see this program making a difference in the lives of humans and the environment.
This includes helping the many animal shelter causes that have been nominated
because those who run these programs need help too.”
Contest details are available at
About Snack Alliance
A privately owned U.S. company, Snack Alliance Inc. is a market-leading provider of
branded and private label snack foods in North America, with customers that include
Wal-Mart, Albertson's and Kroger. The firm's signature product, riceworks® Gourmet
Brown Rice Crisps, is a tasty and popular whole grain gluten-free snack that has won
kudos from snack lovers in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. For more
information about the product visit
Contact Details: Snack Alliance Inc.
#1900-1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 2Y3, CANADA