Brookson Boosts Its Information Systems Department

on: March 31, 2010, 12:08 am
Author: Brookson
Industry: Financial
Brookson has announced the appointment of some key positions
within their Information Systems (IS) department.
Accountancy and umbrella company provider Brookson, has
appointed new IS Manager Robin Candy, Support Manager Gerrard Singleton and Project
Manager Craig Russell.
These appointments are central to the implementation of a number of new initiatives
currently being undertaken by Brookson, including the recent introduction of
Microsoft Dynamics CRM system, which allows the virtualisation of 24 servers down to
6 and upgrading software business wide. The changes are all intended to improve the
current service offering to their 9000 customers working through their own limited
company, as a sole trader or as an
employee of Brookson's umbrella company.
Robin Candy recently joined Brookson from Morgan Stanley's UK residential mortgage
business wehere he held the position of IT director and was responsible for support,
development and testing. Robin was also part of an award winning team who developed
an online mortgage approval and underwriting solution that processed over £3 Billion
of mortgages in the first 12 months. Robin said: "Moving to Brookson was an easy
choice, due their focus on technology and aspirations to constantly improve their
Gerrard Singleton has arrived after previously working for Cegedim Rx in Leyland and
brings with him of 15 years experience in IT Support. "Working for a progressive
company who continue to use cutting edge technology is always attractive to anyone
working in IT," said Gerrard. "I'm looking forward to developing not only
Brookson's service offering but also the skills and capabilities of the team in
Craig Russell has been working in Programme Management for over a decade and has
worked for a number of large projects including implementing SAP in 38 entities
across 7 European Countries. Craig sees his role at Brookson as being 'to provide
the necessary controls and infrastructure that are vital for projects to succeed.'
Brookson's service is ideally suited for individuals looking to set up in business,
either as a sole trader or through a
limited company. Small business owners often require more support from their
accountant than just the completion of year-end accounts and tax returns. Brookson
provide a variety of online tools, such as financial statements, that keeps the
business owner in financial control of their business and working compliantly.
Brookson recognise technology has an essential role to play in delivering next
generation accountancy services to the self-employed. They believe that the skills
required by a modern accountancy business go well beyond accountancy skills alone;
the modern accountancy business requires the expertise of individuals that are able
to build and support an IT infrstature for both operational service delivery as well
as online customer facing service delivery. These latest appointments significantly
strengthen Brookson's Information Systems skill base.
About Brookson
Brookson is a leading tax accountant, IR35 specialist and support
services provider to small business including business start ups. Brookson supports
self employed people in their chosen way of working through its limited company,
sole trader and umbrella company services. As a 150 strong accountancy service,
managing the affairs of over 9000 customers, Brookson is committed to offering the
very best service, support and advice.
Brookson's Online Navigator Money Manager portal underpins Brookson’s claim to
offer one of the most innovative contractor accountant services available on the UK
market. Allowing clients to access their business financial information 24/7, the
system has been designed to help customers run their businesses more effectively by
providing up to date financial information at their finger tips
Contact Details:
Victoria McDonnell
Marketing Manager
Brookson Limited
340 Firecrest Court
Centre Park
0845 058 1500