Foreign Translations, Inc Assists UNICEF in Haitian Relief Efforts
on: March 22, 2010, 12:08 am
Ken Zwerdling - CEO Foreign Translations, Inc.
Industry: International Trade
Greenville, SC, March 22, 2010- In an effort to support the
earthquake victims in Haiti, Foreign Translations, Inc.
( assisted the United Nations Children Fund
(UNICEF) by translating information vital to the relief efforts. The
company translated documents relating to the protection of children’s
rights, forms and manuals used by relief workers and public service
announcements providing information to the people of Haiti. These
documents translated by Foreign Translations, Inc. assisted UNICEF in
reaching out to victims of this natural disaster. In the chaos
following the earthquake, aid groups like UNICEF lacked sufficient
means of communicating with the French and Creole-speaking Haitians.
Foreign Translations, Inc. recognized this need and drew on its years
of expertise in translation services to bridge the communication gap.
Providing aid for Haiti through language translation services is a natural fit for
Foreign Translations, Inc. Utilizing its well-established quality processes to
provide high quality, low-cost translations in a timely fashion, Foreign
Translations, Inc. often returns translated documents on the same day requested. By
assigning native Creole and French-speaking translators to the project, Foreign
Translations, Inc. ensures that information is clearly understood by aid workers and
Haitians. Offering low-cost assistance to those in need also aligns with the
corporate culture at Foreign Translations, Inc. The entire organization recognizes
the importance of giving back and is often involved in charitable giving such as
assisting law firms with foreign language needs in pro bono cases as well as
offering foreign translations for non-profit ventures. As for continuing aid efforts
in Haiti, Foreign Translations, Inc. has pledged its on-going support to UNICEF and
the Haitian people.
About Foreign Translations, Inc.
Foreign Translations, Inc. is a 12-year old global
translation services firm specializing in foreign language translation, interpreting
and website translation headquartered in Greenville, SC. The company offers translation services for a wide range of projects: from technical manuals, legal
contracts and marketing collateral to financial statements, training manuals,
e-learning courses, websites, software, policy and procedure handbooks, and
newsletters. With thousands of native translators located across the world, the
company frequently translates documents ranging from 1,000 words to over several
million words in all the major languages. In addition, it provides interpreters for
depositions, trials, and conferences. Foreign Translations, Inc. also offers a full
range of Multilingual Desktop Publishing Services and International Search Engine
Optimization. The company holds a General Services Administration Contract (GSA)
with the Federal Government.
Contact: Ken Zwerdling – CEO
Foreign TRanslations, Inc.
Greenville, SC