High Desert Region Green Jobs Initiative Announces New Executive Director

on: March 11, 2010, 4:14 am
The High Desert Region Green Jobs Initiative
Human Resources
As of
February 5, 2010 The High Desert Region Green Jobs Initiative has a new Executive Director, Kenneth C. Collins, Sr. Prior to becoming Executive Director, Kenneth served as the Initiative's Green Building and Small Business Advisor.
Linda K. Jones, Co-Founder of the Initiative and its Executive Director since its launching in October, 2008, is stepping down effective February 5, 2010.
Serving as Executive Director of the High Desert Region Green Jobs Initiative has been a very rewarding experience and I take tremendous pride in what we have been able to accomplish. As I transition to my campaign for State Assembly, I will continue to work towards expanding the clean energy economy in the High Desert and the high paying new jobs that come with it" Jones said. "I leave confident that under the leadership of Kenneth Collins Sr., the HDRGJI will continue to thrive and grow, serving our community by supporting economic and workforce development to bring green jobs to our region" she concluded.
" I am looking forward to leading the Initiative for 2010 and beyond. Linda K. Jones' and Co-Founder Ann Vanino's vision to link economic and workforce development to bring green jobs to local residents has set a strong foundation for my work . Our key goals in 2010 are to bring green jobs training to the region, work with local government organizations to increase community awareness of the benefits of the growth of the region's green economy and work with our stakeholders to develop public/private partnerships advancing energy and water efficiency and renewable energy projects in the region." said Kenneth Collins
Kenneth Collins brings to his new role experience as a building contractor and real estate broker as well as 20 years experience as a Signal Systems Supervisor for The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation. Kenneth attended Alpine Elementary School in Littlerock, CA for five years. After receiving an Aerospace Avionics Certificate from Antelope Valley College, he worked at Rockwell International on the B-I Bomber. Kenneth is a resident of Lancaster, CA.
Kenneth Collins, Executive Director
Phone: 888-241-1061
E Mail: KenCollins@HighDesertGreenJobs.com