Launch Of Nation's First Exclusive-For-Home Retailer Of AEDs

on: March 18, 2010, 12:18 am
Author: Good To Be Alive
Industry: Consumer
Services, Healthcare
Hilton Head, SC, March 18, 2010 – Hilton Head, South Carolina based Your
Personal-AED Expert, LLC d.b.a. Good To Be Alive (or launches
national retail outlet for defibrillators exclusively for home users
Good To Be Alive launches its primary retail channel, and
toll-free number 1-888-OWN-1-AED (1-888-696-1233), which is a one-of-a-kind retail
outlet – the nation’s first exclusive-for-home seller of defibrillators (automated
external defibrillators or AEDs) suitable for personal use.
Good To Be Alive offers Personal-AEDs or automated external defibrillators,
(sometimes referred to as a Portable AED) which are self-contained laptop-sized
devices that are used to revive a person suffering from sudden cardiac arrest by
delivering a controlled electrical shock that can reset the heart to normal
function. For witnessed sudden cardiac arrest, if used immediately, AEDs are up to
90% successful at resuscitation (whereas without an AED readily available, survival
rates are 1% – 5%). Until recently, these devices were only safe when used by a
trained professional. Now, due to recent technological advances, Personal-AEDs are
safe and easy for layperson use. No other consumer device has empowered individuals
for such dramatic results – resuscitation of a sudden cardiac arrest victim –
basically bringing someone back to life!
Knowing the facts reveals the need for personal AEDs in homes: Sudden cardiac arrest
is the leading cause of death in the United States. More than 300,000 US deaths
annually, across all demographics, are attributed to sudden cardiac arrest (more
than breast cancer, prostate cancer, house fires, hand guns, traffic accidents, and
AIDS combined). Tens of thousands of sudden cardiac arrest deaths could be
prevented if an AED were used immediately. AED utilization is the only treatment
for sudden cardiac arrest – survival odds decrease 10% every minute without an AED.
Few attempts at resuscitation are successful after 10 minutes without an AED. It is
crucial to recognize that the majority of sudden cardiac arrest victims are
asymptomatic, meaning these victims were not at heightened risk for a heart attack.
We are all at risk, including the youngest among us. Sudden cardiac arrest is not
limited to the aging population. Approximately 22% of sudden deaths for people
between 1 and 21 years of age are due to cardiac arrest. A final relevant statistic– 80% of cardiac arrest occurs at home.
Good To Be Alive partners with national non-profit Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation ( Initially, the two organizations are presenting survivor
stories to the public, offering a referral purchase program (that will result in
donations from Good To Be Alive to the SCA Foundation), and looking ahead to
developing a public awareness campaign called “Save A Life at Home”, which will
follow the successful and ongoing SCA Foundation campaign “Save A life at School.”
“Good To Be Alive is focused on providing defibrillators in the home where they are
needed most. We are grateful that Good To Be Alive has chosen to begin supporting
our Foundation from the onset, this is a demonstration of their commitment to their
mission to save lives,” said Mary Newman, the President of the SCA Foundation.
Mark Adelman is the founding partner of Good To Be Alive. Mr. Adelman and senior
partner, Allan Fine, are currently test marketing, as well as honing website and
logistical operations. The senior management team expects Good To Be Alive to
locally employ 12+ individuals by Fall 2010 in a combination of management and
member support positions.
“I’ve always focused on technology serving people – I see that society is far too
slowly adopting this life-extending medical advancement. The latest generation of
easy-to-use AEDs are a game changer against the nation’s number one cause of death –
sudden cardiac arrest. We’re determined to put a Personal-AED in the hands of as
many people as possible. Our purpose is to decrease loss of life from sudden
cardiac arrest. The American Heart Association estimates that between 50,000 –
100,000 lives could be saved annually if AEDs were widely accessible. That said, in
the end, the decision to protect yourself and the people you care about against
sudden cardiac arrest is a personal choice, it’s the individual’s right to choose to
be prepared,” founding partner Mr. Adelman said.
Senior partner Mr. Fine said, “We applaud the proliferation of public access AEDs.
The AEDs we all see in airports, fitness centers, and schools are important for
people to have available, however the public should understand that 80% of sudden
cardiac arrest occurs in the home. We are placing Personal-AEDs in people’s homes,
where they are needed most. Good To Be Alive’s mission to save lives is very
personal for me due to the fact that last year I lost my 28 year old brother to
sudden cardiac arrest in his home. When Personal-AEDs are widely accessible,
similar tragic losses can be avoided for other families.”
Good To Be Alive has established the Good To Be Alive Foundation. The Foundation’s
purpose is to give back to the community by supporting the proliferation of AEDs,
both Personal-AEDs and public-access AEDs (located at schools, airports, etc.) In
fact, the Good To Be Alive Foundation has already donated AED equipment to a local
high school and an AED to a county-based EMS group. Additionally, the Good To Be
Alive Foundation is partnering with the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation
( to support its efforts for a developing “Save A Life at Home”
awareness campaign.
Founding partner, attorney Mark Adelman is a graduate of the Georgia State College
of Law and the University of Georgia, Grady College of Journalism, as well as an
experienced healthcare administrator. Prior to becoming a member of the Georgia Bar
Association (2000), Mr. Adelman contributed to the development of the CNN brand as a
producer in the network’s Marketing and Creative Services division. More recently,
he won national video production awards for Georgia Tech as part of their marketing
efforts. Mr. Adelman is an American Red Cross certified AED Instructor.
Partner, Allan Fine is a graduate of The Goizueta Business School of Emory
University (1996). Mr. Fine leveraged his knowledge of sales, technology, and
e-commerce to serve as a primary consultant to several Atlanta based companies. He
has expertise in web-based retail sales and order fulfillment including roles in
sales management, product development, IT design/implementation, and 24x7 call
center management. Mr. Fine is an American Red Cross certified AED Instructor.
Vice President, Richard Bilger has over twenty years experience in industries
serving EMS practitioners including prominent publishing and marketing roles. Mr.
Bilger founded (which led to The CPR-AED Discussion List) connecting a
wide variety of AED industry professionals in over 95 countries. He has served
advisory roles in relation to the AED Instructor Foundation and the National
Guidelines for First Aid Training in Occupational Setting. Mr. Bilger is a Health &
Safety Institute certified AED, CPR and
First Aid Instructor, credentialed to
certify private individuals. Mr. Bilger volunteers as a First Responder.
Good To Be Alive has its corporate office located at 23-B Shelter Cove Lane, Suite
100-A, Hilton Head, South Carolina 29928. For more information about Good To Be
Alive, press and private individuals should visit, email or call 1-888-OWN-1-AED.