LighterLife Relaunches Magazine In A New Smaller Handbag Size
on: March 19, 2010, 1:45 am
LighterLife has relaunched its LighterLife magazine with a new
look and improved content to offer readers added inspiration and
understanding of just what LighterLife offers. The new feel and design
of the magazine has been created with the help of publishing house,
Specialist Publications.
The re-launch sees the weight loss magazine take on a
new, clean direction. The size of the publication has moved from A4 to a smaller
handbag size, making it more user friendly. The magazine also features more
LighterLife clients than ever before, whether it's at the beginning, middle or end
of their weight-loss journey. Niki Webb, Specialist CEO said, "The relaunch gave us
an opportunity to refresh the magazine from a photographic, design and content
perspective. The new magazine is stylish and confident. The team at Specialist are
very passionate about the LighterLife brand. The fact that thousands of people have
battled obesity and are now managing their weight after following LighterLife is
truly inspirational and something worth shouting about."
The LighterLife magazine is now available exclusively through on-line subscriptions
or via LighterLife counsellors and the new format sees the publication become
available on a quarterly basis.
The decision to remove the magazine from the news stand provided the opportunity to
make the magazine more specific to the LighterLife clients, whilst more care has
been taken over the wording and language used, ensuring new clients and other
audiences who might read the magazine will not be alienated but engaged in the
content, and have an understanding of LighterLife.
Heather Butcher, LighterLife PR & Communications Manager commented "The new
magazine will include further in-depth articles about our clients really exploring
why they put on weight and how they found their individual LighterLife Journey. In
the past the magazine concentrated on fantastic weight-loss to enable it to jump off
the retailer's shelves and into shopping baskets."
The new look issue is on sale from 22nd March and features a wide spectrum of
weight-loss stories, tips and advice on dealing with difficult situations that may
arise while losing weight,
along with information that may be useful to family members who want a better
understanding of LighterLife. For potential clients these features and stories are
design to prompt and answer any questions people may have before embarking on
LighterLife Total or LighterLife Lite.
About LighterLife:
LighterLife is an industry leader in weight management, with an established, highly
successful approach to significant weight loss and lifetime weight management. Since
1996 LighterLife has helped over 200,000 people all over the UK and Ireland with its
quick weight loss diet.
Designed specifically for people who are one stone or more overweight and with a
body mass index of 25 or above, the unique LighterLife weight loss solution offers programmes
specific to the obese and the overweight using nutritionally balanced soups, shakes
and bars combined with specialised counselling techniques. Clients benefit not only
from safe, fast weight loss but they also learn the behavioural changes needed to
sustain it.
For press enquiries contact:
Josie Smart
PR Advisor
Cavendish House
Harlow Business Park
5QF CM19
01279 636998