M&S Pet Insurance Warns Chocolate Treats Can Be A Doggy Danger This Easter
on: March 30, 2010, 12:03 am
Simon Coughlin
M&S Pet Insurance is warning dog owners of the dangers of
chocolate poisoning in household pets ahead of the Easter weekend.
Chocolate eggs and other treats left around the house at Easter can be a big
temptation to four legged friends, however unlike most people they can become
extremely unwell if they eat large amounts of chocolate which is intended for
The toxic chemical within chocolate is called Theobromine and the amount contained
within chocolate varies according to the type and quality of chocolate. Dark
chocolate usually contains high levels of the toxic chemical, compared with white
chocolate which contains comparatively little. Even a small amount of high quality
dark chocolate eaten by a dog can cause clinical signs such as hyperexcitability and
restlessness, vomiting, tremors and convulsions.
While M&S Pet Insurance policyholders
have access to a 24-hour advice line, 365 days a year, meaning that if the worst
happens this Easter they know they have support at the end of the phone, as it is
much better to avoid the problem in the first place.
Vetfone nurses provide concerned pet owners with immediate advice on an animal's
condition and can decide whether emergency medical treatment is required.
Vetfone Deputy Operations Manager, Clare Scantlebury, said: "Easter is a great
excuse to indulge in all things chocolaty, but dog owners should think carefully
about storing chocolate eggs in a safe place out of the reach of hungry dogs.
"The potential danger depends on the amount of chocolate eaten, the type of
chocolate and the size of the dog. If you suspect your dog has eaten chocolate and
is showing signs of illness, seek medical advice immediately."
David Wells, M&S Head of Insurance, said: "It's not just the chocolate at Easter
which can cause illness and injury in pets. We have seen claims when dogs have eaten
small novelty toys from Easter eggs and shredded plastic used as packing material in
Easter baskets.
"Small toys may cause internal damage or an intestinal blockage which can be life
threatening. Ideally keep these objects well out of reach of your pets and
supervise your dogs closely if children are playing with the toys."
Notes to Editors
About M&S Money
M&S Money (the trading name of Marks & Spencer Financial Services) was founded in
1985 as the financial services division of Marks and Spencer Group plc, making 2010
the company's 25th anniversary.
The company is a top-ten credit card provider and the
second-largest travel money retailer in the UK. M&S Money also offers a range of
insurance cover, including home insurance and car
insurance, as
well as loans, savings and investment products.
In November 2004, Marks & Spencer sold M&S Money to HSBC. HSBC Holdings plc, the
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assets of US$2,364 billion at 31 December 2009, HSBC is one of the world's largest
banking and financial services organisations. HSBC is marketed worldwide as ‘the
world's local bank'.
M&S Money has an executive committee comprising an equal number of representatives
from HSBC and Marks & Spencer.
M&S Pet Insurance policies are provided by RSA Insurance Group plc.
For further information please call the M&S Money press office:
Simon Coughlin
Media Relations Manager
M&S Money
8 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5HQ
020 7992 1574