NAMI Launches Social Networking Site for Young Adults: Mental Health, Finances, Relationships, Music and More

on: March 24, 2010, 9:30 pm
Christine Armstrong / NAMI
Industry: Healthcare
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has launched, a new online community where young adults living with
mental health concerns can provide mutual support in navigating unique
challenges and opportunities during the critical transition years from
ages 18 to 25.

Developed by young adults, is a user-driven social networking
community where members can connect with peers, share personal stories, creativity
and helpful resources by writing and responding to blog entries, engaging in
discussion groups and sharing videos, photos and other news.
The site offers resources on issues important to young adults, including:
• Healthy relationships
• Family and friends
• Campus life
• Independent living
• Finances
• Employment
• Housing
• Mental health issues
“Young adulthood is an exciting challenge, but also a confusing and stressful time
for anyone,” said Michael Fitzpatrick, NAMI executive director. “Life can throw
things at you fast.”
“Mental illness affects everyone. is intended not just for young
adults who have a mental illness, but for anyone entering adulthood that has a
friend, parent or other family member facing a mental health problem.”
“Most of all, is an interactive, fun space where young adults can
share experiences and other information to empower each other, build relationships
and offer peer support.”
“ is about helping and inspiring each other,” said Alex M. White,
age 23, a member of the advisory group of young adults who helped develop the Web
site. “I would not be alive today if it had not been for the love, care and support
I received from family, friends and loved ones.”
White was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 13. He dropped out of school and
attempted suicide before gaining control of the illness.
A Montana State University graduate, White now leads a happy, productive life in New
York City. He has made an award-winning short film, Une Vignette de Melancolie,
about depression and suicidal ideation that has played internationally.
NAMI created the StrengthofUs community through the support of the Rodwell Dart
Memorial Foundation, established by Hailey Dart, in loving memory of her son,
Roddy, who lost his life at age 22.
Special Note
On April 20, the Web site will host a “launch party” featuring a remix of the song“Goodmorning” from the upcoming Derivatives album by William Fitzsimmons, who worked
helping people with mental illness before turning a passion for music into his
profession. He was named an iTunes Best Singer-Songwriter for his album The Sparrow
and the Crow and his music has been featured on the television show Grey's Anatomy.
About NAMI
NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to
improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. NAMI has
over 1100 state and local affiliates that engage in research, education, support and
Visit us on the web at:
Christine Armstrong
3803 North Fairfax Drive, 22203
Arlington, VA 22201-3042