The Harley Medical Group Reports Man Tuck Surgery On The Rise

on: March 19, 2010, 12:52 am
The Harley Medical Group
Industry: Healthcare
The Harley Medical Group has reported that men are
increasingly using cosmetic surgery to banish their unsightly belt
Dubbed by surgeons as the 'man tuck', over 55% more men aged 35+ had tummy tucks
(abdominoplasties) in the first two months of 2010 compared with the same time last
year, with the figures still rising, according to The Harley Medical Group.
'Man Tuck' patients have been undergoing the surgery in order to stay looking trim
and youthful and to ensure they aren’t overlooked in the competitive work
environment. Around 55% of 'man tuck' patients at The Harley Medical Group have
surgery post-weight loss to remove stubborn fat and excess skin on their stomachs.
Liz Dale, Marketing Director of The Harley Medical Group, said, "Many of the 'man
tuckers' are businessmen who have been on a health kick but, following weight loss,
find themselves with loose overhanging skin on their stomachs. Competition in the
workplace sees many men fighting to be fit but losing the weight around the midriff
can throw up as many problems as it solves."
Alan Bradley who had a tummy tuck and male breast reduction at The Harley Medical Group after losing 12 stone, commented, "It was
demoralising to have lost so much weight just to be left with huge flaps of skin
that made me feel as unattractive as before. The surgery means I’m now more mobile
and healthier and it has made it easy for me to keep the weight off."
Additional figures released by The Harley Medical Group show that there has also
been an increase of 23% over the year in men of this age group undergoing
rejuvenation procedures, with Botox and fillers up 23% and 17% respectively.
About The Harley Medical Group
The Harley Medical Group is the UK's largest cosmetic surgery provider, performing
more procedures and with more clinics than any other cosmetic surgery provider. It
has been established for more than 26 years and is one of the most highly-regarded
cosmetic surgery groups operating in the UK. It has treated more than 450,000
patients to date including popular procedures such as laser hair removal and breast
The Harley Medical Group works tirelessly to maintain the highest standards in the
industry for the benefit of all cosmetic surgery and non surgical patients. The
Harley Medical Group is currently at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that
the government continues to regulate the use of certain laser types used in cosmetic
surgery and non surgical treatments so that patients are protected from rogue
PR Contact:
Hannah Walsh
Rain UK
2 Greycoat Place
020 7222 4345