There's No Such Thing As Hypnosis - It's All Just Suggestion & Placebo

on: March 22, 2010, 12:16 am
Jonathan Royle
Top British Hypnosis & NLP Trainer Jonathan Royle Exposes The Hypnotherapy Conmen
Who Profit From The Placebo Effect & The Dangerous Street Hypnotist’s Who Mess With
Your Minds!
Manchester, England, UK, 22nd March 2010 - Hypnosis is both an increasingly lucrative and rapidly expanding form of
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAMS) and also a hugely popular form of
Stage Entertainment thanks to people like Paul McKenna.
But shockingly what most Hypnotherapy Practitioners won’t tell you or dare to admit
is that the so called healing and therapeutic power of Hypnosis is nothing more than
an elaborate Placebo Effect combined with basis suggestion and classical
psychological conditioning akin to Pavlov’s Dog.
What’s even more alarming is the fact that the majority of Comedy Stage Hypnotist’s
don’t even realise that whilst what they are doing works due to nothing more than
Social Compliance, Basic Human Psychology and Devious Manipulation of their
volunteers combined with simple suggestion and the Placebo Effect, that in actual
fact what they are doing is potentially dangerous to their subjects as they are
messing with people’s Belief Systems and Expectations for the entertainment of
others which can have potentially very damaging side effects.
Now for the first time ever British Hypnotist Jonathan Royle has decided to lift the
lid on this “Snake Oil” industry and save people potentially thousands of pounds in
wasted treatment fee’s or training course payments, whilst also helping them to
avoid falling prey to the rapidly growing number of badly trained, illegal,
unlicensed, uninsured and potentially dangerous amateur Street Hypnotists messing
with peoples mind on a street corner near you!
After years of research and real world experimentation Royle, aged 34 of Rochdale,
Greater Manchester, England is so confident of his findings and conclusions on how
so called Hypnosis actually works and his statement that “There’s No Such Thing As
Hypnosis” that he has become the first Hypnosis Trainer to offer a 100% One Year
(365 Day) Money Back Guarantee on his Home Study DVD and Multimedia Diploma Training
Today Royle said “Hypnotherapist’s and Stage/Street Hypnotists who study this new
package are literally Guaranteed to become Safer, more knowledgeable and more
successful in their work or else I will give them their money back!”
Royle wants to stop people getting conned out of thousands of pounds for long winded
Hypnotherapy and NLP Courses which brainwash them to believe in something that
actually does not even exist and that’s why he has just released a Free 80 Page PDF
Report entitled “The Seven Biggest Secrets of The Famous Name Millionaire NLP’ers –
Life Coaches & Hypnotists” at
Royle who is one of Britain’s Leading Hypnosis Expert’s as illustrated at explained that despite the fact that
Hypnosis Does Not Exist and actually is nothing more than an illusion of truth
combined with The Placebo effect, when this is fully understood by Alternative
Practitioners and utilised to treat patients in the manner he teaches in his unique
Home Study and Live Training Courses that dramatic changes can still occur!
Indeed even when the patient is told the truth that the Placebo Effect is being used
on them, even with this knowledge the Patient can be helped immensely to solve or
eliminate most any problem, habit, fear, addiction or phobia from their life within
a single 60 to 90 minute treatment session and on a basis of them being given a full
money back guarantee that the session will work for them!
Royle is also alarmed at the increasing number of hobbyist & amateur Hypnotists who
are taking the potentially dangerous art to the Streets of England in a manner which
is largely Unlicensed, Uninsured, Illegal and potentially very dangerous and states“Those who study my courses on Stage & Street Hypnosis as per will walk away able to perform in a totally
legal, licensed, safe, ethical and insured manner of that I can assure you and again
these results are guaranteed or they get their money back!”
In a quest to spread the word, protect the public and clean up the Hypnosis and NLP
Industry Royle has a number of Live Training events and master classes planned to
take place in Rochdale - Greater Manchester (England – UK) during June 2010 as per and also will be holding a special Two Day
Intensive Boot camp in Florida (USA) in early August 2010 as per this video
So before you consent to allow someone to mess with your mind ask yourself a few
simple questions…
01) Is this person properly trained and where necessary correctly licensed and
insured to be doing this?
02) Is this an appropriate environment to be hypnotised in – usually the outdoor and
street hypnotists present the most potential dangers of both physical and
psychological harm?
03) Has the Hypnotist been honest and up-front with you that this is nothing more
than a clever mind trick combined with manipulative psychology and the Placebo
If your not happy with the answers to any of the above questions then quite simply
don’t let that person hypnotise you whether its on Stage, outside on the Street or
even in their consulting room in the context of Mind Therapy Treatment.
Jonathan Royle is the principle trainer of The Mindcare Organisation Ltd in
Huddersfield (England) and is the creator of Complete Mind Therapy which uses the
Placebo Effect to maximum honest effect to help people make positive changes in all
areas of their life.
Interview Contact: Jonathan Royle
+44 (07050) – 377579
The Mindcare Organisation Ltd
Prospect House Publishing,
Prospect House,
P.O. Box 12,