YourHolyLandStore Announces Debut Of New Line Of Evil Eye Jewelry

on: March 30, 2010, 12:02 am
Yevgeny Kuritsky
The curse from “The Evil Eye” is a concept that goes back to
ancient times, and is mentioned in both the Talmud and the Kabbalah.
And, for as long as belief in the Evil Eye has existed, there has been
evil eye jewelry designed to protect the wearer from its harmful
Israeli-based online store,, is now offering a new range
of beautifully designed evil eye protection jewelry in styles ranging from
traditional to contemporary.
“Whether you want protection from the evil eye’s harmful effects, or simply admire
stylish, attractive jewelry, this line of jewelry offers something for everyone,”
Yevgeny Kuritsky, the store owner, said.
The store offers products such as the evil eye necklace, evil eye pendant, kabbalah red string bracelet with evil eye, evil eye bracelet,
and many other products.
The products are made in a variety of colors and finishes. There are enameled
products in gold and silver, an evil eye bracelet with dangling charms, a blue evil
eye protection necklace, and many other items.
Many of their items are designed by local Israeli artists, and are completely
unique; they will not be found at any other store or on any other website. The
owners of YourHolyLandStore also have personally designed many of the evil eye jewelry items on their website, which means that the purchaser will be wearing an item that
is highly unusual and meaningful, not a chain-store or department store factory made
piece of jewelry.
Popular sellers on the site include the Big Kabbalah Hand of God protection
necklace, which is gold plated and ornately decorated. It can be accessorized with a
matching protection Hand of God ( luck ring.
Many Kabbalah devotees wear red string bracelets and necklaces to ward off the evil
eye. Kuritsky’s new line of jewelry includes red string bracelets with attractively
designed evil eye pendants.
“The evil eye is a widely recognized concept; every ancient culture recognized it in
one form or another, and sought protection against it in various forms,” according
to Kuritsky. “Our traditional, high quality evil eye jewelry offers protection for
the wearer, and at the same time is attractive is stylish, attractive and
Kuritsky has paid special attention to the price of the items to ensure that
everyone who needs protection from the curse of the Evil Eye can afford to do so,
while still looking stylish and without ever sacrificing quality, materials, or
The concept of the Evil Eye is especially widespread in Africa, in Mediterranean
cultures, and in Middle Eastern cultures.
In some cultures, it is believed that making a certain statement such as “No evil
eye!” can offer protection. In other cultures it is believed that making certain
gestures will help to ward off the ill effects of the evil eye.
Paintings of the Evil Eye charm are used on some aircraft, on boats, and on other
structures, to provide protection against this insidious curse.
The beauty of the jewelry sold on YourHolyLandStore website is that it works to
protect the wearer and repel the curse of the evil eye in any culture, whether it be
Turkish, Iranian, Israeli, etc.
That is one reason that the jewelry also makes an excellent gift - because it offers
protection to one’s loved ones, no matter what religion or culture they come from.
It is a perfect gift to give to one’s wife, husband, child, friend, sweetheart, or
anyone that might need protection from the evil eye.
The motivation of those who cast the evil eye is believed to be envy of others.
Those who use this curse are believed to have the power to cause severe harm,
including sterility, poverty, bad luck, and death. Casting the evil eye is also
believed to cause harm to those who do so, but for those who are consumed by envy
and anger and malice, the fact that the curse will reflect back on them is
apparently not a deterrent.
In some cultures, it is believed that wearing the jewelry will bend the evil gaze
back upon he or she who cast the curse, and will completely protect the wearer.
Those seeking more information may visit