npower Assists Companies With The CRC
on: March 31, 2010, 12:04 am
npower has launched a new service to help organisations manage
compliance with the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency
Scheme (CRC), and benefit from the incentives it offers.
CRC Assist offers a full service provision to organisations affected by the carbon
reduction commitment It provides support to help businesses understand the CRC; assists them with the development of an energy management strategy; and manages
their participation in the scheme.
Dave Lewis, head of business energy services at npower, said: "We believe it's
crucial that organisations understand the CRC and the management strategies they
should implement to succeed within it. The scheme has been developed to offer
significant incentives for the most successful participants and we have developed
CRC Assist to ensure organisations are best placed to benefit from these."
CRC Assist offers support for businesses across the full scope of the CRC
legislation and provides an understanding of the CRC. It's vital that all of the
expected 5,000 full participant organisations, and the additional 15,000
participants who will need to register, understand the scheme and what is required
of them. CRC Assist promises to cut through the complexities and help businesses
understand their involvement in the scheme.
As part of CRC Assist, npower will help participants develop energy management
strategies. In
the longer term, it will also assist them with managing their performance in the
CRC's league table, which will detail the best and worst performers in terms of emissions reduction.
Through effective energy management, organisations will be able to achieve a higher
position on the league table.
CRC Assist also offers businesses advice on carbon allowance purchasing, helping to
make the 'cap and trade' element of the scheme easy. In addition, npower will
also support organisations with their records and submissions within the scheme.
The CRC Assist proposal from npower will be specific to the size, scope and
strategic objectives of each organisation it works with and is available to all
organisations affected by the CRC - whether current, former or prospective customers
of npower.
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Notes to editors:
About npower:
npower is one of the top energy suppliers to the UK business market, serving over
238,000 small to medium sized enterprise sites and around 17,000 industrial and
commercial customers, with over 100,000 sites
npower is dedicated to helping UK businesses use energy more efficiently and
therefore spend less money on their bills. npower aims to have a positive impact on
the communities it serves and reduce customers' carbon footprint whilst always
improving its service to customers.
For major energy users, npower offers multi-utility management consultancy to enable
organisations to improve efficiencies right across the procurement/consumption
npower customers include BT, Wembley Stadium plc, AstraZeneca and Sainsbury's.
For media information, please call:
Amy Rynn
Press and Public Relations
Oak House
Bridgwater Road
0845 070 2807