DNA Cellular 10.00 Monthly Unlimited Talk & Text With Free Phone Join For Free DNA Cellular Going Global 60 Plus Countries Launching In USA And Canada

on: April 19, 2010, 4:26 am
DNA Cellular and Data Network Affiliate have partnered with
Chris Greco, The King of Wireless Activation. The DNA Partnership will
take DNA to go beyond its recent accomplishment of becoming one of the
fastest growing companies in the world, bringing in a staggering
100,000+ Independent Distributors in 60 Days. Industry leaders have
taken notice and have approached to get partnerships with DNA.
DNA will launch simultaneously in the US and 60+ countries worldwide. Using
Technology, save up to 95% of the cost of Telecom today. No Credit Check, No
Contracts DNA & Chris Greco the Guru of the cell phone industry will make history
with Unlimited Talk & Text for $10 Monthly. Chris Said to D.N.A. "Lets rock the
Cellular World with (BEP) Beat everyones Prices and let's start with Unlimited Talk& Text for $10 Monthly.
Chris give DNA a $10 Monthly Product to sell but DNA can give the field $4 of the
$10 This means on this simple $10 Monthly Product DNA will be able to pay out a
RESIDUAL $2 monthly to ALL Affiliates and a .20 cent monthly residual over ride to
all PRO Affiliates up to TEN LEVELS of Customers. We will be able to offer service
to the world, with more options for consumers from day one of our global launch.
I-phone users $79.99 per month flat rates. Wow that’s %50 off current cost Family
plans for $109 with unlimited talk, text and web.
Free phones with the unlimited text and talk plans (Samsung flip and LGVX 6100
phones). You will be able to tether your phone. Can port phone numbers from any
carrier with the exception of China. China would have to get new numbers. Will be
able to buy US airtime to send back to friends and family in other countries @ 8 to
20 percent less than the country they are in offer. GSM phones have to be unlocked.
DNA will have over 211 brick and mortar stores that you will be able to utilize for
recruiting, obtain services and as a fulfillment center. You can just go to your
local DNA store to get help and not have to fool with support tickets like other mlm
companies. We will beat everyone in the mlm and retail industry. We will also
offer a $19.99 plan for the disabled hearing impaired that gives them unlimited
text, email and web. Can you say WOW? We care about you as a distributor,
affiliate and customer. We will be the Walmart of the Internet. You will see DNA
cellular stores popping up all over the world. Join my team today to position
yourself. It’s FREE to join.
DNA and the new division DNA Cellular is built on a solid foundation of strong
leaders. A Fortune 500 management team headed up by Arthur Kurek, George Madiou and
recently new addition Chris Greco the guru of the cellular industry. DNA is the only
company that gives all DNA Affiiates the following 100% FREE. Would you like to
partner with the company that has proven leadership and the top guru in the cellular
phone industry that is destined to make history with over $1 billion in sales going
to happen while launching in over 63 countries? We empower you to profit from all
categories that DNA will offer
Contact Details: HILRY THOMAS
P.O. BOX 1273 BRAITHWAITE La 70040