Industry Viewpoint: Despite Plummeting Revenues Property & Construction Organisations Make Great Efforts to Minimise Redundancies
on: April 20, 2010, 12:03 am
Reed Global
According to Reed’s recent report ‘Meeting the People
Challenge’, most employers now prefer to find alternatives to making
mass redundancies, a significant departure from the response of UK plc
to the 1992 recession. But is this really true, even in one of the
economy’s hardest-hit sectors?
Despite plummeting revenues, organisations in property and construction have made
great efforts to minimise redundancies, instead using tactics such as cutting hours
or freezing pay. Nevertheless some talented people have inevitably found themselves
looking for work.
‘A number of heavyweight project managers are on the market,’ says Gavin Tufton,
Business Manager at Reed Property & Construction. ‘It’s become so much harder for
companies to secure project funding that some phenomenal candidates – people who
previously would have enjoyed the pick of available roles – have had to take
backward steps. Even then, many are struggling, as clients seeking long-term
commitment will often be concerned that they’ll leave as soon as things pick up.’
Midas - regroup and redeploy
Midas, a company with interests in construction, retail, interiors, affordable
housing and property development, has sought to minimise redundancies. ‘We’ve
reduced working hours for certain workers not based on site,’ says Ian Bassett, the
company’s Head of People. ‘But what’s worked most successfully for us is
Prior to the downturn, Midas’s operating divisions recruited people on a largely
autonomous basis; these days, resourcing is far more centrally planned. ‘We’ve moved
people from quieter to busier areas, providing the skill sets are there,’ says
Bassett. ‘Around ten per cent of our operational staff have been redeployed. Our
people understand the world in which we live and they’re much more open to
considering relocation to take up redeployment; in fact, they regard it as a benefit
of working in a wider group.’
The company has sought to communicate initiatives designed to help withstand the
recession throughout the workforce, using tools such as the annual staff roadshow
and internal magazine, as well as regular sharing of information on company
performance with staff. This, along with an emphasis on treating people fairly and
transparently, has been particularly helpful when jobs have had to be shed. ‘Most of
those who were made redundant, or whose colleagues were let go, said they felt the
process was managed well,’ says Bassett. ‘The feedback we received was that
selection had been conducted fairly, people were consulted, and their questions
answered openly and honestly. The part of our business that experienced the worst
cuts actually expressed the highest satisfaction levels with the process. It’s a
difficult time for everyone but people recognised it was done in a sensitive way.’
HR central to resource planning
Reed Property & Construction’s offices have been put on standby by many clients
since the recession took hold, ready to be drafted in to support staff affected by
redundancies. But, says Tufton: ‘It’s also been important for companies to retain
key staff. Some of my HR contacts have been investing in additional training to help
those people who have been kept on continue to develop, in readiness for the
At Midas, HR is consulted on a strategic level much more so than three to four years
ago. ‘We’re involved on an ongoing basis in divisional review and board meetings on
resource planning,’ says Bassett. ‘When the company needed to let people go, we took
part in those discussions around what the business would look like going forward,
the markets we’d be in and the skills we’d therefore need to retain. It’s difficult
to imagine HR being as central to that process back in 1992.’
Tufton says that, while few people expect the construction downturn to be over any
time soon, the signs seem positive. But caution prevails: ‘The volume of tender
activity is gradually increasing,’ he observes. ‘However, the degree of the pinch on
public spending will be critical. The government is trying to bring forward a large
number of projects that are still awaiting planning approval, and plenty of private
sector work is still waiting for the green light. It’s very much a case of
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