European Obesity Day 2010 Is Welcomed By Life Insurance Comparison Site

on: May 27, 2010, 05:25 am
QueryCLick LTD
The 2010 European Obesity Day took place on Saturday May 22,
and it is hoped that the campaign will raise the profile of the
potentially life-threatening condition. As the first awareness day of
its kind, life insurance site welcomed the event and is optimistic that
it will help in the fight to reduce the problems associated with
obesity in Europe.
One of the campaign's central goals is to help the 50 per cent of Europeans who are
overweight to shed 5 to 10 per cent of their body weight and cut obesity rates
across 15 countries.
While the term obesity has become a well known one in the UK it is not in such
common usage in other European countries, and it is hoped that the new awareness day
will help countries increase public knowledge before the problem becomes rife. Among
those participating are a high number of Eastern European countries, including
Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary and Latvia.
A spokesperson for voiced the company's support for the campaign,
saying that it represents a positive step forward when it comes to spreading the
word about obesity and its dangers. They added: "Most people in the UK are aware of
the problems that can be caused by obesity, but campaigns like this act as a great
way for countries to share knowledge.
"What's more, it's important for people not to become complacent about things
such as obesity. The fact that the term has become common knowledge in the UK means
people could be in danger of accepting it as normal, whereas obesity remains a big
threat to health."
Obesity can contribute to a number of health challenges, including diabetes and
heart problems, as well as being a debilitating condition in its own right. European
Obesity Day will share health tips for the general public, as well as asking
individuals to sign its petition.
The goal of this petition is to encourage the EU to introduce ways of offering
support to overweight individuals. This could be in the form of initiatives to
promote healthy lifestyles or ensuring health coverage for alternative therapies.
The organisation also hopes to encourage healthcare professionals to recognize
obesity as a chronic disease to ensure that patients are given the treatment they
need as well as create guidelines and best practice documents for the healthcare
community. agreed that it was important to ensure that doctors were fully
educated when it came to obesity and its associated conditions. "Obesity can have
wide-ranging effects on the health of the sufferer, meaning that it's not only
important for doctors to help patients look for ways to minimise their weight, but
it's also crucial that they are able to be vigilant for secondary complications.
"From raising the cost of life insurance to complicating
existing health conditions, obesity can be a huge problem for sufferers, so any
initiative hoping to raise awareness is on the right track."
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