Home and Garden Consumers Now Have a "Fitting Room" for Trying On Products with this Free Website

on: May 21, 2010, 11:05 am
Visual Applications, Inc.
Internet & Online
SARASOTA, Fla., May 21, 2010—Visual Applications, Inc., a
developer of visualization software applications for the home
improvement and landscape industry, recently launched Showoff.com, an
interactive community for home and garden enthusiasts and businesses

Termed the Home and Garden Hub, Showoff brings products straight to the homes of
interested customers where visitors can shop for ideas, products and services from
the comforts of home and receive support from experts in the home industry.
Consumers “try on” products using the Visualizer, a free online tool that allows
users to upload their own photographs to visualize any home improvement project in
minutes including landscape, remodeling and interior design projects.
Showoff provides a place for contractors, manufacturers, dealers and designers to
showcase their products and services for users to browse in places like the Product
Showcase and Portfolio Gallery. Landscape and remodeling contractors, designers, and
other industry professionals can get in front of a captive audience by uploading
photos of their own work into the Portfolio Gallery for customers to peruse.
Showoff.com is the creation of Bobbie Dreis-Ayers, a veteran of visualization
software development. “The goal of Showoff.com was to marry the needs of consumers
and businesses into a site that worked for both parties,” says Dreis-Ayers. “We are
incredibly excited about the launch of Showoff.com and hope that this site will
become a fitting room of sorts for the consumer and an important sales channel for
participating businesses.”
About Visual Applications, Inc.
Visual Applications, Inc. headquartered in Sarasota, FL is a leading manufacturer of
personal visualization technology with the vision of offering innovative,
interactive and easy-to-use visualization solutions to individuals and businesses.
For more information about Showoff visit the company's website at www.showoff.com or www.showoff.com/business/index.html
Contact Details: Bobbie Ayers
2100 Constitution Blvd #164
Sarasota FL 34231
Phone 941-993-4380 Fax 888-724-1343