International Figures Show UK Lagging When It Comes To Child Mortality Rate, Prompting Concern From Life Insurance Comparison Site

on: May 27, 2010, 07:54 am
QueryCLick LTD
New research has shown that the UK has the highest child
mortality rate in Western Europe. With a rate of 5.3 infant deaths per
1,000 live births, the UK is falling behind other rich countries when
it comes to cutting the number of child mortalities.
International figures have revealed that child death in the UK, along with the USA,
New Zealand and South Korea, has not reduced the number of child deaths as quickly
as expected.
The figures, from a team at the University of Washington in Seattle, have prompted
life insurance comparison site to
speak out about its concerns. A spokesperson for the company explained:
"It is extremely concerning to see that the UK is lagging behind its counterparts.
As one of the most developed countries in the world, it seems shocking to think that
we are not able to quickly and significantly cut the number of child mortalities.
"To receive this information at a time when the NHS is at the focus of attention
makes us hope that ensuring everyone gets the care they need is at the top of the
agenda for ministers."
The UK's mortality rate saw the country fall from 10th in the global chart to the
33rd and the research also found that the decline in deaths in the under fives is
reducing more quickly in poorer countries, according to The Lancet.
However, the BBC reports that the global child mortality rate has dropped from 11·9
million deaths in 1990 to an estimated 7·7 million deaths in 2010 in children under
five. While the UK has continued to reduce mortality rates, by three quarters since
1970, a large number of other European countries have overtaken it.
A spokesperson for the Department of Health highlighted the fact that infant
mortality is at the lowest rate ever in the UK, but there are still calls for the
country to have a close look at neonatal and child care.
Life insurance comparison site
is among those calling for increased efforts in the coming years. It said: "While
the number of deaths does continue to fall, we believe is it not falling fast enough
and would like to see assurances that money will continue to go towards research and
medical care for threats to the health of infants.
"We are, however, very encouraged to see the news that the number of child
mortality deaths is falling significantly in some of the world's poorer countries,
and hope this is an indication that it will continue to fall worldwide in the
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