Kellogg's Reveal What Women Want - Chocolate
on: May 17, 2010, 1:13 pm
Food & Beverage
Kellogg's reveal through new research that women think about
it all the time, enjoy it most after a bad day and would choose it over
any other pleasure in life - chocolate that is.
The research* by Kellogg's has revealed that over 20% of women in the UK say they
would kiss goodbye to their sex lives before their chocolate fix and over a quarter
would give up their chardonnay and Chanel.
In fact according to the report it seems women have a one track mind for chocolate
as 30% confessed they thought about their treat most during the day, compared to
just 18% who said they think about sex**.
A bad day at work is the main reason women turn to chocolate for comfort with over
half of all women admitting this is when they indulge the most, while a third do so
after an argument with their partner.
Ladies in Yorkshire are the most likely to be driven to the chocolate cupboard by
their hormones with 40% saying they turn to chocolate to relieve PMT.
The research shows chocolate is a woman's ultimate guilty pleasure with 2.3m
admitting they eat it more than 3 times a day however, 70% of women said they felt
guilty for doing so, with health, weight and dirty looks from their partner the top
reasons for guilt.
Women also use chocolate as a reward with 41% saying they treat themselves after
eating healthily including healthy snacks all day and 20%
after exercising. This could start with a healthy breakfast at the beginning of the day and feeling the chocolate has been earned by the end.
40% of women even said that chocolate is the only thing that cheers them up.
Sally Tribe from Kellogg's Fibre Plus said: "Our research shows women's powerful
relationship with chocolate - with many admitting they would even choose it over
sex. They turn to chocolate when they need comfort, a reward and just to cheer
themselves up. For many chocolate never disappoints. However the study also reveals
women have a love/hate relationship with their favourite treat because they feel
guilty about indulging in something that doesn't give them any benefit other than
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Notes to editors:
* The research was undertaken by Opinions Matter with a sample of 2048 women and 655
** In comparison to men, 56% of whom think about sex most and just 11% think about
chocolate most.
About Fibre Plus:
Fibre Plus is a new cereal bar from Kellogg's which also provides 20% of a person's daily fibre needs.
About Kelloggs:
Since William Keith Kellogg filed the papers that officially incorporated the Battle
Creek Toasted Corn Flakes Company on 19th Feb 1906, the Kellogg Company has been
driven by the philosophy that an improved, balanced diet, starting with a healthy
breakfast, leads to improved health.
The Kellogg Company is now the most successful cereal manufacturer in the world and
offers nutrition advice and tips as well as a BMI calculator.
For further information and images please contact
Louise Davies
Official Press Office of Kellogg Marketing and Sales Company (UK) Limited
The Kellogg Building
Talbot Road
M16 0PU
0161 869 5500