SEO Company Welcomes News That US Online Ad Spend Reached A Record High In The First Quarter

on: May 25, 2010, 02:50 am
Author: QueryCLick LTD
Internet & Online
While the worldwide economy is still struggling in the
aftermath of the global recession, recent research has revealed that
the online advertising market has bucked trends and has continued to
expand regardless.
According to figures from industry bodies Interactive Advertising Bureau,
PricewaterhouseCoopers and comScore, the market has experienced record breaking
growth that takes total advertising spend for the first quarter of 2010 to the
highest total ever recorded for an equivalent period.
The news is likely to be welcomed industry wide, and SEO company has announced it is pleased to see that the sector is
performing as well as it predicted. With an increase in US online advertising spend
to the tune of 7.5 per cent, the SEO experts are confident that the figures will
help companies realise that money is well spent in online ventures - even when
budgets are tight.
A spokesperson for Queryclick explained: "It's great to see that online
advertising is proving its market strength despite the recent economic downturn. We
hope that news such as this will help businesses recognise the many cost effective
advertising options that are available online.
"The huge advances in technology have made it possible for business of all shapes
and sizes to interact online, and we hope that this news is merely the tip of the
iceberg when it comes to the ways in which online experiences will continue to
improve for users and businesses alike."
Coming after a tough year in 2009, when online advertising spend dropped in the US
for the first time since 2002, the recent figures will provide a boost to the
American economy as well as a boon to marketing departments championing online
venues for their services.
The benefits are also predicted to make themselves felt across Europe, as online
marketing spend continues to remain strong in 2010, and comScore revealed that
display advertising in the US broke the trillion mark Q1 with a staggering new high
of 1.1 trillion new ads in the US. This represents a 15 per cent rise.
In response to the news, Queryclick said: "The reversal of fortunes when it comes
to online advertising in the last year is very welcome and we see it as a sign of
things to come. We recommend that businesses take heed of the news, and implement
any necessary changes for them to make the most of their advertising budgets as we
move further into the year.
"By making strategic use of search engine optimisation techniques in tandem with
online and display advertising campaigns, businesses can find ways to streamline
their budgets while still attracting all-important new customers to their sites."
Contact Details: About Queryclick
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50 Albany Street
tel: 01314479079
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