Yahoo!'s Nokia Partnership Could Change Mobile Web Playing Field For Google And Apple Claims Seo Company

on: May 27, 2010, 05:28 am
Author: QueryCLick LTD
Internet & Online
The last few years have seen Yahoo! scrabbling to prove it's
still a relevant, and powerful company in the face of Google's
exponential growth, and SEO experts think that the
company's new partnership with Nokia is a good step in the right
While Yahoo! has lost a lot of ground when it comes to search, the internet company
is quick to point out that it has its fingers in many pies. In fact, CEO Carol Bartz
recently claimed that Google needed to up its plans for diversification if it wanted
to continue to flourish in the future. Now, Yahoo! has revealed a new partnership
with Nokia, a timely move when the growing number of mobile web users is taken into
The deal aims to prove expanded services for those accessing the internet on their
mobile phones and will focus primarily on improving maps, navigation and location
based functions. Email will also receive the benefit of the mind share and it is
thought that the partnership will help both companies keep costs down.
Search engine optimisation company SEO company believes that the deal is
a smart move for the internet company. A spokesperson explained: "This is a good
choice for both Yahoo! and Nokia and we're glad to see Yahoo! continuing to keep
itself afloat by diversifying and keeping an eye on current trends.
"In our view, it's good to see team ups that will help drive innovation towards
the mobile web. This is a quickly growing market that is still open to innovation
and if deals like this can shake up market leaders such as Google and Apple, then
the benefits will appear for the users - in the form of better systems and
The deal should also provide dividends for Nokia, which is the leading handset
provider in a number of markets but languishes when it comes to America.
Yahoo! has been subject to some criticism about the amount of time its taking to
turn around and recover but considering the death knell cries that surrounded the
company only a year ago, Ms Bartz is fiercely defensive of what they have achieved.
A recent, hard fought, deal with Microsoft has left the company with far more
autonomy than was originally anticipated by industry authorities and SEO experts
say that smart partnerships will be the way forward for the company.
"Yahoo! can't beat rivals such as Google when it comes to search, but the company
has plenty more to offer.
"This could also pave the way for Yahoo! and Nokia to negotiate some good deals on
mobile advertising somewhere down the line. Companies with online advertising
campaign may be wise to spend some time looking at their mobile advertising
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