Released on: June 18, 2010, 5:23 am
Author: LV=
Industry: Financial
Research from LV= Streetwise has revealed that many young brits are making themselves easy targets for thieves as 92% of 13-15 year olds carry a mobile phone on them whilst out and about with their friends, 74% carry cash and 42% leave the house with an iPod.
The clothes and gadgets carried by the average young teen on Britain's streets are worth £246*, singling them out as targets for thieves, while 21% of 5-8 year olds carry a mobile phone** and 17% carry cash when they're out and about with friends.
Many young people carry valuable items like a mobile phone because their parents
want to keep them safe. Among 5-15 year olds, as many as 62% said their parents ask
them to keep a mobile phone with them. But mums' and dads' attempts to protect
their children when they're out on their own may be inadvertently increasing the
risk of theft, as 11-16 years olds make up a third of all mugging victims***.
Furthermore, by focusing their concerns on outside threats such as stranger danger, parents could be blinkered with regard to their children's safety knowledge in and around the home. The LV= Streetwise research shows that 38% of 5-15 year olds would not know how to leave the house safely in the event of a fire, and 15% don't feel they are able to cross the road safely.
The LV= Streetwise research findings also reveal parental confusion over when it's right to give their children more independence. 49% of parents**** said they are so unsure about what is the right age to allow certain freedoms to their kids, that they make up the rules as they go along.
Mike Rogers, LV= group chief executive, said: "Helping to steer your children safely through the world around them is one of the biggest challenges for parents today. While most parents will warn their children to be careful when carrying around cash and expensive gadgets, they may not pay the same attention to the safety risks in and around the home.
"Our purpose as an insurer is to protect people's lives and possessions, so naturally we also feel strongly about helping to educate families about safety and risk prevention. As a founder member of the LV= Streetwise charity we have a long-term commitment to child safety, and the message is going nationwide this summer as our safety bus roadshow visits summer fairs across the UK, to educate youngsters about safety."
The research findings come as the LV= Streetwise safety bus roadshow continues to tour the UK, helping to educate children about safety in the home, on the road and at railway crossings.
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Note to editors:
All research, unless stated otherwise, was undertaken by ICM research via online
method. ICM is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
* Opinium Research used online poll of 161 parents of 13-15 year olds between 30th
April and 4th May 2010.
** Research undertaken 23rd March - 7th April 2010 amongst 1000 children aged 5-15
by ICM Research via online method.
*** Statistics compiled from a series of Freedom of Information Act requests to
individual police forces about robberies by Conservative youth spokesman, Justine
Greening MP.
**** Research undertaken by ICM Research 19-28 March 2010 via an online survey
involving 6099 adults,1505 of whom were parents of children under the age of 18.
About LV=
LV= is a registered trade mark of Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited (LVFS)
and a trading style of the Liverpool Victoria group of companies. LV= employs around
4,000 people, serves over 3.8m customers and members, and manages around £9.3bn on
their behalf.
LV= was a founder member of the charity LV= Streetwise and is still the main sponsor.
LV= offer a range of insurance products including house contents insurance,
buildings insurance, motor
insurance, life insurance, pet insurance and 50 plus life cover.
For further information, please contact:
Emma Banks
69 Park Lane
0208 256 6714