Quigal.com, the National Attorney Search Website, Has Been Featured On KillerStartUps.com
on: June 07, 2010, 3:59 am
Author: Quigal.com
Cambridge, Massachusetts - Quigal.com simplifies online attorney searches according to KillerStartUps.com, a user-driven internet start-up community.
Quigal.com is a leading provider of online attorney search services in the United States. The site allows users to search for attorneys who have impressive legal backgrounds and allows users to communicate with multiple attorneys quickly and easily.
The reviewers said this about Quigal's service: "The main asset of Quigal is that it does not produce an endless list of legal professionals when you execute a search. Rather, it provides you with some top names only. Instead of giving you several pages to browse through, Quigal will show only one page of results, and that page will never feature more than 10 different attorneys for you to consider. In this way, one of the trickiest aspects of the whole process (IE, pre-selecting those legal representatives that are effectively a cut above the rest) is taken care of for you.
This specificity is further strengthened by the ability to select the legal area that you are keen on searching from the very beginning - you will be allowed to circumscribe your search to Business, Civil or Criminal Law."
"Quigal.com has continued to thrive and we are delighted with the excellent feedback we have received from our users," commented Renate Harrison, founder and CEO. "We know our service fulfils a need for online access to quality attorneys and this is being confirmed by the responses we are receiving."
For more information about Quigal.com, please visit www.quigal.com.
Contact Info:
Renate Harrison
Quigal, LLC
Web: www.quigal.com