BABRT Will Present Two Spotlight Awards To: Oral Lee Brown And Pam May
Released on: July 27, 2010, 6:28 am
Bay Area Business Roundtable
Industry: Small Business
Oakland — California. On Thursday July 29 th @ 5:00 PM, Jack London Aquatic Center, the Bay Area Business Roundtable will present “Spotlight Awards” to two of its members for outstanding contributions to the quality of life and business development. The awards will be presented during the annual Jazz Business Mixer and Fish Fry.
Pam May is the owner of TechScribe Communications, and developed two white papers, Developing a Sustainable Workforce, and Meeting Basic Needs. The papers outlined the challenges of poor communities and the need to focus resources that will meet the basic needs. The reports set in motion the development of a “green business incubator” to create jobs through entrepreneurship.
Oral Lee Brown has worked tirelessly to provide educational opportunities for Oakland 's most underserved students. In 1987 she adopted an entire class of students from Brookfield Elementary School located in the troubled area of East Oakland . This group was labeled as Brookfield 's “worst” first grade class. Nearly all of them were poor, and they lived in the violent-plagued flatlands of East Oakland . Of the original group of twenty-three students, nineteen graduated from high school and attended college. The Oral Lee Brown Foundation currently sponsors six (6) groups of children. Not only is she supporting the children financially for their future education, she provides after school, Saturday School , tutoring, mentoring, testing, SAT prep and enhanced online tutoring skills. She authored with Caille Millner “The Promise” How one woman made good on her extraordinary Pact to Send a Classroom of First Graders to College.
The Bay Area Business Roundtable is a non-partisan public policy and advocacy organization that provides leadership with information and analysis on the critical issues facing economics, business and labor and local, state and federal government.

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