Facebook Changes Praised By SEO Experts Queryclick.com Following The Installation Of A 'Panic Button' as Recommended by CEOP
Released on: July 12, 2010, 02:01 pm
Author: QueryCLick LTD
Industry: Internet & Online
Following months of negotiations between Facebook and the
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), the social
media site has agreed to the provision of a panic button to all users,
specifically targeting those aged between 13 – 18.
Facebook have made a raft of sweeping changes recently, from the closing of its
online gift shop, to the most recent addition of the CEOP backed child safety
application. The social networking site had previously been resistant to the panic
button feature, insisting that it already had sufficient reporting systems in place.
CEOP has recommended the inclusion of additional measures such as the panic button
since November 2009. The feature, which has also received the backing of 44 police
chiefs across Britain, is an opt-in service which will be promoted most heavily
amongst the 13-18 age group.
Due to the optional nature of the service, a campaign is to be launched by Facebook
and CEOP in a bid to raise awareness of the application, as well as the significance
of online safety. This campaign involves the display of an automated message on the
homepage of users within the most vulnerable age group.
This will be reinforced by a CEOP-Facebook information page which hopes to further
educate youngsters of the dangers associated with social networking. By appealing
to teenagers through the coverage of topics of interest such as music, celebrities
and exams, the page hopes to reach as large an audience as possible.
SEO experts QueryClick.com have welcomed this approach,
with the belief that the offerings of popular content will draw in the targeted
traffic. One QueryClick spokesperson explained that:
“By appealing to younger Facebook members through their potential areas of interest,
and by specifically targeting the 13-18 age group via automated messages, this
campaign will contribute greatly towards the improved online safety of Facebook, as
well as the level of confidence in parents with regards to their children's online
Facebook have cited the reason for the closure as a result of the need to focus
their attention on developing the more popular features of their site including, the
news feed, photos, the 'like' button, and Facebook advertising. In particular, it
is the advertising aspect which PPC experts QueryClick.com believe will go from strength to strength in the coming
For advertising purposes, the benefits of a pay per click campaign on the social
networking site are great. Firstly, the levels of traffic traveling throughout the
site on a daily basis, as well as the average time users spend on the site, provides
an unrivalled platform for optimum exposure and conversion rate potential.
Secondly, the targeting capabilities on offer make for a highly specified
advertising campaign based on the accurate information provided by users on their
profile page. Such information used includes age, gender, profession, marital
status and hobbies.
About Queryclick
QueryClick is an Edinburgh based SEO firm. QueryClick is quickly becoming a leading
figure in UK SEO and SEO web design given the company's bespoke and ethical
approach to business.
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