Bookmarking Site

Released on: August 10, 2010, 3:55 am
Internet & Online
Whether you are looking to promote your business worldwide, share interesting news
and stories with your friends and associates or just keep up with what’s buzzing in
the world today, BookmarksHub ( is the place to be.
BookmarksHub is an SEO friendly website that allows users to publish their own
articles or read other articles and comment on them or share them with their friends
and business associates.
Unlike other SEO websites, applies the DoFollow technique for
its search engine optimization, which gives maximum coverage to the web links on the
website. This means that as a business person or affiliate trying to promote your
business online, you not only get to publish and share your business related
articles or press releases online, but Bookmarks Hub also allows search engines to
popularize your website for free.
You can even create a group for your business and invite all your customers to keep
them apprised of any offers, promotions and future developments. This makes
Bookmarks Hub an ideal portal for online marketing and business promotion. Whether
you wish to launch a new business or promote an existing one, sell a product or
gauge response from already existing customers -- as a Bookmarks Hub user, you get
to promote your business for free!
Bookmarks Hub is also a great platform for voicing your opinion, sharing your ideas
and getting yourself heard on the web. On Bookmarks Hub, users can create their own
groups, add friends, and send and share messages with other users. Groups allow
users to share articles with other members with a common interest in a topic. As a
user, you can join a group to submit topical articles that other members would be
interested in. You can also create your own group and share your knowledge and
enthusiasm about your area of interest with other kindred fellows. Some groups may
require membership approval before you become part of the group.
Bookmarks Hub has thousands of articles on a variety of topics from the everyday to
the esoteric; such as health, travel, technology, fashion, sports and world news, to
name a few. Hence, users can delight themselves in reading and gathering information
on a variety of topics and sharing articles of interest with their friends, family
and associates.
These days, social networking is a part of everyday life, and Bookmarks Hub allows
users to share their favorite articles on Twitter, Facebook and other social
networking websites. Even if you just want to refer to an article in the future,
Bookmarks Hub allows you to save the article, so you can access it easily from your
profile page the next time you log in. You can even discuss the topic with other
users and leave comments for any article you have read.
In short, Bookmarks Hub is the one-stop portal that takes care of all your business
promotion and social networking needs.
Visit explore, comment and share.
Contact Details: m.Moume

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