Drug Treatment Santa Francisco Addicts Need Can Be Found With Help Of Nonprofit Organization
Released on: August 04, 2010, 5:37 am
Michael Leland
Industry: Healthcare
The toll of addictions -especially drug and alcohol abuse- on
this nation is appalling, with more people than ever in desperate need
of drug treatment. Santa Francisco and other California cities are
often considered to be hotbeds of substance abuse, but it can be a
challenge for addicts or the friends and families of addicts to find
effective options for drug or alcohol treatment. San Francisco and
other California cities actually have a very large selection of rehab
clinics to choose from, and Drug-Rehab.org, a nonprofit referral and
placement service, is there to point the way to the facility that makes
the best sense based on the client’s needs, location and budget.
August 4, 2010 -- The drug treatment Santa Francisco substance abusers need is
available, but finding it has often been a challenge. When someone decides that they
need help, or when their family decides to intervene, time is usually of the
essence. But wading through the options can be time consuming, confusing and there
is also the risk of picking the wrong rehab center. Enter Drug-Rehab.org, a
nonprofit organization that tracks over 3,000 facilities nationwide, including drug
and alcohol rehab. San Diego, San Francisco and hundreds of other cities are part of
this network and Drug-Rehab.org counselors are always available to help people in
need find a center that has a good reputation, offers programs to fit their specific
need, and is within their budget.
California has always been somewhat of a national hotspot when it comes to substance
abuse. As the nation’s most populous state, that might be expected, but there are
other factors at play as well, including industries (including entertainment and
technology) that are high stress, high paying and known to sometimes cultivate
excess. In San Francisco, for example, this translates into an average monthly toll
of 20 alcohol-related deaths and 4 deaths attributed to drug abuse, along with a
daily police blotter that includes 13 drug-related arrests and 10 DUI arrests.
Clearly, there is a need for drug and alcohol treatment. San Francisco offers many
options for those seeking help, but a quick call to a Drug-Rehab.org counselor can
make all the difference in finding the right one.
San Francisco has a population of over 800,000 making it the 12th largest city in
the US. It also holds the dubious distinction of having the highest number of
homeless inhabitants per capita of any major US city. Homelessness and substance
abuse go hand in hand and it seems likely that at least some of these people could
use help, but are uncertain of where to turn for Drug Treatment Santa Francisco and area residents can find the help they need, quickly, by
contacting Drug-Rehab.org.
About the Author: As an addiction Counselor with Drug-Rehab.org, Michael Leland is
intimately familiar with drug and Alcohol Treatment San Francisco based clinics, including which have the best reputation and
highest success rate. Calling Michael or another counselor at 800-722-5570 is the
quickest way to find help with substance abuse. Drug-Rehab.org maintains a listing
of over 3,000 clinics across the country, with records ranging from LSD treatment in
New York to Alcohol Rehab San Diego, ensuring that those needing help are referred to a facility
that is effective, located in their region and within their budget. Please contact
Michael Leland with any questions about addiction treatment options in the San
Francisco area. For further information about Drug-Rehab.org, please visit the
organization’s website (www.drug-rehab.org) or e-mail info@drug-rehab.org.
Contact Details: Drug-Rehab.Org
Addiction Counselor
San Francisco, CA
Business Phone Number: 800-722-5570

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