UK Travellers and Tourists' Holiday Fashions Rated in New Survey
Released on: August 25, 2010, 6:42 am
Simon Terry
Industry: Retail
Poll carried out by leading consumer offers site illustrates
the trendiest travellers and fashion faux pas
• Holiday Fashion Mistakes in Order –
1) Socks and Sandals
2) Exposed beer bellies
3) Tight small trunks on men
4) Thongs on women
5) Sunburn
6) Football tops on women
7) Logo overload on clothes
8) Football tops on men
• Tourists from Birmingham and the Midlands have worst fashion sense in the UK,
followed by Newcastle & the North East and then Scotland
• Americans voted as having worst fashion sense in world, Italians as best
25 August 2010 – As lots of Brits head off on holiday for the summer, new research
carried out has shown up the holiday fashion faux pas committed by people. The new
survey has illustrated that socks and sandals are the worst holiday fashion mistake,
and exposed beer bellies are also considered a big mistake. The survey also revealed
that people who come from the Midlands have the worst holiday dress sense.
The survey took in the views of 600 people and their views on what British holidaymakers wear on
the beach. Men’s skimpy and small swimming trunks, women’s thongs, sunburn and
having too many logos on clothing were highlighted as the worst fashion mistakes on
holiday. A third of people believe that women wearing football shirts on holiday is
a mistake, and 20% of people also reckon men in football shirts on holiday is
The survey reported that people from Birmingham and the Midlands have the worst
fashion sense while away on holiday, followed by those travellers and tourists from
Newcastle and the North East, Scotland, Essex and then Manchester and the North
West. Travellers and tourists from Yorkshire and East England were considered to be
the best dressed on holiday in the poll.
The research was carried out by money saving website and one of the questions also focused on
tourist nationalities. The Americans are thought to be worst dressed when on
holiday, with the poll mentioning their loud shirts as well as socks and sandals.
Next up in the worst dressed were the Germans, the Greeks and the British, while the
Italians and Spanish were voted best dressed.
Gender questions were included too, with 83% of people (92% of men) saying that men
dress worse than women do on holiday, however men are more likely to buy new
clothing (43%) for a holiday than women (32%). 57% of men and 68% of women admitted
to wearing holiday clothing which they’ve owned for more than 5 years.
The poll gathered reasons for buying new holiday clothes, with two thirds of people
saying they buy things if they look good, while 20% saying price is their biggest
factor. 14% of tourists admit that they spend less than £50 for a holiday wardrobe,
while 70% of people pay between £50 and £200. 2% said that they spend over £500 for
holiday clothing.
Simon Terry, managing director of, commented: “We are always
able to help people save on top name fashions and clothing, and that is a hugely
handy thing to have at holiday time. People heading away on holiday this summer can
enjoy massive bargains on top names and avoid making big fashion faux pas”.
Other items mentioned in the poll results included trunks and swimsuits which turn
see-through, Miami Vice-style trousers, too-tight swimsuits and even a mankini.
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Rachel Builder & Debbie Williams
T: 01625 511966
Contact Details: Simon Terry

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