New Co-operative Campaign Asks What Makes Us All So Special?
Released on: September 24, 2010, 6:14 am
Author: The Co-operative Group
In its biggest ever Wills and Funeral Planning campaign, The Co-operative is
encouraging people to share what makes them or the people in their
lives unique.
With the theme “Life is amazing. Pass it on”, the £250,000 multi-media campaign
features Elsie, known for her mouth-watering scones made from a recipe passed down
by her grandmother; then there’s Frank, well known for his amazing trumpet playing
at a local pub; and Millie for her love of exotic flowers inspired by her holiday in
a tropical paradise.
The campaign is specifically designed to drive enquiries to a new team of specialist
advisers. It includes national press adverts, specialist magazine inserts, door
drops, direct mail to Co-operative members, an email campaign, and search and web
based activity. The campaign will also be promoted via leaflets within branches of
The Co-operative Pharmacy.
Adeline Bibby, Marketing Manager for The Co-operative Life Planning, said: “The
creative has been designed to highlight those things that make us and our loved ones
special. Although most of us haven’t climbed Everest, we all have something unique
to us, and this can be quirky or endearing. These things make us who we are and,
with this campaign, we are celebrating all our amazing differences.”
Online, from today (13th September), people will be able to find out more about
Elsie and Frank, as well as share stories, advice and inspiration in the new
interactive area at
A new free guide to planning ahead has also been produced, which is available from
the website or by contacting The Co-operative on 0800 023 4710.
“The new campaign is the next stage on from our earlier spring campaign, building
on the successes we gained to create a much more vivid, engaging and personal
approach. It’s all about you being an individual, and being appreciated and treated
as an individual – and that’s what we find people really appreciate about The
“The Co-operative Wills and Funeral Planning Service concentrates on the personal
touches so that everything is designed around the customer and what they’d like to
pass on to the people they love.”
The campaign breaks 13th September and runs until 30th November 2010.
Notes to editors
The free guide to Wills and Funeral Planning is written in everyday English so it’s
readily accessible and easy to understand when it comes to free legal advice on will writing and funeral planning. Copies are available:
• from the website
• by calling The Co-operative on 0800 023 4710
• by requesting a copy from: FREEPOST RRYB-HCRX-XJJJ The Co-operative Life Planning
Team, 2nd Floor Hanover Building, Hanover Street, Manchester M60 0AD
• by email to wills&
For more information contact:
Lindsay Colbeck
Senior PR Officer
0161 827 5629
07713 267 499

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